The Native Land Act of 1913
This was a law that was passed to prohibit Africans from owning or renting land that was outside of the designated native reserves. -
Native Urban Areas Act
The law of 1923 was passed to segregate residential space in urban areas to reduce access to cities for the black people. This law also made it possible for the government to remove Africans from their homes in urban areas and force them to relocate. -
Wage Act
This was a law that established fixed wages for jobs. This law is considered unethical because the wages were also fixed for people based on the color of their skin. White people had preferential treatment compared to the blacks and got higher wages. -
Native Trust and Land Act
This law was passed to increase the Native reserves to 13%. This made the reserves a little bit larger for Africans to live in; however, this act also enhanced the eviction powers of the government. -
Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
This was a law in South Africa which prevented interracial marriages. It was one of the first laws passed by the National Party. Before this law was passed mixed marriages were .23% in the country. -
Group Areas Act
This Law stated that the city centers were for the usage of white folks only; however, black people continued to work there. Due tot his act local governments were able to argue that there was no need to provide the colored people with any public amenities since they are legally not allowed to operate there. -
Population Registration Act
This law made it required that all people living in South Africa were to register to be classified based on their racial status. This law was created to segregate the people in South Africa based on their race. -
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act
This law had strictly segregated all public amenities such as buses, trains, restrooms, hospitals, separate entrances, etc. Colored people would be arrested if they used White facilities. -
The Bantu Education Act
This act made it mandatory for all schools to only admit students that belong to one racial group.This law had gotten rid of the idea of a singular educational model and created separate school boards. The law was later extended to affect Universities. -
Natives Resettlement Act
This law allowed the removal of African people form any area. They were then forced to resettle in areas that the government deemed necessary. This act was originally created to remove black people from Sophiatown to Meadowlands.