Black Land Act
The Black Land Act prohibited blacks from owning or renting land outside designated reserves. This prevented Black people from being able to compete with Whites. -
Black (Native) Administration Act
Essentially allowed the minister to move any group or individual black people from one place in South Africa. This led to many forced removals. -
Immorality Act
Prohibited intercourse between white people and black people. This had the impact of further segregating blacks and whites and portrayed black people as less than white people. -
Representation of Blacks Act
Took black voters off the common roll and moved them to a separate roll where they wouldn't have equal representation. -
Development Trust and Land Act
Expanded the reserves for natives to a total of thirteen. They also gave the Department of Bantu Administration and Development authority to remove "black spots" in white areas. This prevented from black people to live in cities legally. -
Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
This law banned the marriage between whites and members of other ethnic groups which just caused more division. -
Group Areas Act
Provided for areas to be exclusively for one racial group. This caused black and white people to be even further separated. -
Population Registration Act
Required people to, at birth, be registered into one of four distinct racial groups. This allowed for the government to control who got rights and who didn't because they determined who was white. -
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act
This act reserved certain public amenities for particular race groups with the best quality going to the whites. -
Black Education Act
Formalized the segregation of black education and laid the foundation for Bantu education. Blacks got a tribal-focused education which prevented them from rising up.