
Apartheid Legislation

By jcbagli
  • Black Land Act No. 27

    Black Land Act No. 27
    Prevented South African Blacks from having land outside of their designated reservations. Gave them around 7% percent of total South African land mass.
  • Industrial Conciliation Act No. 11

    Industrial Conciliation Act No. 11
    Made good high paying jobs in cities exclusively for Whites. Also prevented blacks from unionizing
  • Immorality Act

    Immorality Act
    Declared that affairs or marriages between whites and blacks was unlawful, but really only punished blacks. Would respond to the act upon hearing a tip, having a suspicion, or just holding a grudge.
  • Development Trust and Land Act No. 18

    Development Trust and Land Act No. 18
    Raised the number of reserves to 13 to account for roughly 6% of the total land mass. Also gave the Department of Bantu Administration and Development the authority eliminate black spots, or blacks living in areas surrounded by Whites.
  • Native Urban Areas Consolidation Act

    Native Urban Areas Consolidation Act
    Included influx control of immigration to cities. This gave police the jurisdiction to expel blacks who were deemed to be living in the cities and not "really" working.
  • Bantu Authorities Act

    Bantu Authorities Act
    Established white bureaucrats to be official authorities in the tribal Bantustans. Major legislation and turning point in Grand Apartheid. White government gained more control of the homelands.
  • Black Laws Amendment Act

    Black Laws Amendment Act
    All blacks had to carry passes at all times and could not stay in the city for more than 72 hours. Removed many people from the cities and to homelands and made it very difficult because commuting was really the only option.
  • Bantu Education Act

    Bantu Education Act
    Legalized and expanded segregation within the education system and began the ground work for the less holistic Bantu education system.
  • Unlawful Organisations Act

    Unlawful Organisations Act
    Declared that all organizations that currently or could potentially affect public safety were subject to be declared unlawful and abolished. Affected the ANC and PAC shortly thereafter.
  • Transkei Constitution Act

    Transkei Constitution Act
    Gave the Transkei land the ability to govern themselves autonomously from South Africa barring a few exceptions such as immigration.