Apartheid Laws Timeline

  • Mines and Works Act

    Mines and Works Act
    Permitted blacks from undertaking skilled mining jobs.
  • Industrial Conciliation Act of 1924

    Industrial Conciliation Act of 1924
    This prohibited Black Labor unions. It also prevented blacks from getting many higher level industrial jobs.
  • Industrial Conciliation of 1937

    Industrial Conciliation of 1937
    Required special rules of workers unions. Supported workers unions that favored the employer
  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act

    Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
    Whites could no longer marry members of other racial groups.
  • Internal Security Act (or the Suppression of Communism Act)

    Internal Security Act (or the Suppression of Communism Act)
    Prevented specific organizations and people from preforming in communist activities. "Communist Activities" was a broad term.
  • Black Building Workers Act

    Black Building Workers Act
    Prevented Blacks from having skilled building jobs in white urban areas. These jobs included plumbers or electricians.
  • Riotous Assemblies and Suppression of Communism Amendment Act

    Riotous Assemblies and Suppression of Communism Amendment Act
    Allowed the government to prevent specific people from joining specific organizations or attending gatherings. They were also allowed to prevent any sort of gathering in specific areas for any period of time.
  • Black Labor Relations Regulation Act

    Black Labor Relations Regulation Act
    Changed the definition of employees to not include blacks. Therefore, unions could more easily protect non-black employees. Also prevented blacks from going on strike. (Created in 1953, not commenced until 1954)
  • Masters and Servants Act

    Masters and Servants Act
    Made breaching the contract of employment a criminal offense. Although this didn't target specific races, it did only apply to unskilled workers, which were, mostly, black.
  • Environmental Planning Act

    Environmental Planning Act
    Employers (in manufacturing) could only hire a limited number of blacks.