Apartheid Laws Timeline Dorothy Raju

  • Black Land Act No 27

    Black Land Act No 27
    Prohibited Black Africans from owning or renting land that wasn't part of the 7% of the country that was reserved for them.
  • Immorality Act No 5

    Immorality Act No 5
    This Law prohibited whites and blacks from having extra-marital affairs with each other. This was meant to help keep the "purity" of the Afrikaner race.
  • Representation of Blacks Act No 12

    Representation of Blacks Act No 12
    This act took away from Black Africans the ability to vote and instead put their vote in a different category. All Black Africans were then represented by four white senators.
  • Aliens Act No 1

    Aliens Act No 1
    This act restricted and regulated the entry of foriegners/aliens into the Union (Apartheid South Africa). It also regulated a person's right to adopt a new surname
  • Industrial Conciliation Act No 36

    Industrial Conciliation Act No 36
    This act required all trade unions and employee organizations to be registered so they could be regulated. Mostly disallowed unions for Black African workers.
  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act No 55

    Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act No 55
    This Act prohibited the marriage of whites to people of other racial groups.
  • Population Registration Act No 30

    Population Registration Act No 30
    This act required that all people from birth must be categorized into one of four racial categories.
  • Group Areas Act No 41

    Group Areas Act No 41
    Declared different reserved lands for one specific racial group. People categorized of that racial group were required to live on that piece of land.
  • Reservation of Separate Amenities Act No 49

    Reservation of Separate Amenities Act No 49
    The act reserved certain amenities for certain racial groups. Most of the time the more "luxurios" and the "better" amenities went to the whites.
  • Blacks Resettlement Act No 19

    Blacks Resettlement Act No 19
    This act established a Resettlement Board which would enforce the removals of Black Africans from townships. Sophiatown is an example of this.