Black Land act of 1913/Native lands act
Regulated the possession of land in South Africa. Banned blacks from living on areas inside of the country except for the designated reserves. -
Native Urban Areas Act (1923)
Law placed authority figures in charge of blacks in the reserved areas. Whites were therefore able to control the urban areas and extend the power of whites over the black population. Continued the separation of the races further. -
Industrial Conciliation Act of 1924
Prohibited the development of unions by Africans. Could not collectively negotiate wages. -
Wage Act of 1925
Set minimum wages for workers not under the industrial councils. Whites benefited from the law because it cut the blacks wages. Racial inequality economically. -
Immorality Act of 1927
The act prohibited any sort of intercourse between whites and those of color. Continued the segregation between the races. -
Bantu Authorities Act of 1951
Created territorial authority. Whites has control over reserves. Took away the Natives Representation Council. Took away Africans' representation in South Africa. -
Black Education Act of 1953
Segregated the education systems between whites and blacks and gave lower education to blacks. Heavy amounts of propaganda. Separated finances. -
Natives Resettlement Act of 1954
This law gave the government the power to remove Africans from any location. -
Bantu Self-Governing Act of 1959
The African Population was categorized into Eight distinct Groups. Each of the different groups was assigned a White Commissioner-General. Meant to aid in making the transition to self-government. South Africans were not longer considered the governments political responsibility. -
Transkei Constitution Act of 1963
Formed the Transkei legislative assembly -