Apartheid Laws of 1913-1964

  • Black Land Act No 27

    Black Land Act No 27
    Blacks cannot live where they please. This means that Blacks are put into areas designated to them. These areas are in poor condition and are in no way able to support the large population influx that would flood in.
  • Industrial Conciliation Act No 11

    Industrial Conciliation Act No 11
    Job reservations were made for so that Whites got jobs first. Blacks were excluded from membership to trade unions. It also made Black trade Unions prohibited from registration. This means blacks are "kicked out" of any job that is somewhat stable in profit; they are also not guaranteed for any job.They cannot share their risk when trying to invest in a industry.
  • Development Trust and Land Act No 18

    Development Trust and Land Act No 18
    Any places where Blacks live where they aren't suppose to be living can be completely evacuated of Whites. This law allows Natives who have lived in a certain area for an extended amount of time to be easily removed. This creates despair within the Black population in their life. Sophiatown was an example of a place that refused to move (shown in photo of protest).
  • Alien Act No 1

    Alien Act No 1
    Prohibited the people from having a surname. Surnames are a thing that connects people into a community. It also creates the sense of family, but this act prohibits surnames engendering disconnection between the people groups in South Africa.
  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act No 55

    Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act No 55
    Whites and other racial groups can't get married. This makes whites totally separate from other races. The white population will have no clue what other racial groups have to face, and frankly they wouldn't care. This law makes the Apartheid easier to commence in South Africa, because the voting population does not really see it as suffering for others.
  • Group Areas Act NO 41

    Group Areas Act NO 41
    This separated all the groups into specific areas. This means not all the Blacks were consolidated in the areas they lived. Blacks not consolidating causes this issue to be separated into different areas and concentrations, even though it is fighting for the same cause. Also this causes people not from the race or group to live in the area that they do not connect to at all.
  • Separate Representation of Voters Act No 46

    Separate Representation of Voters Act No 46
    This means that Blacks do not have their own voting power in South African government. They have their separate voting system. Blacks don't have any rights in their "native country", so they don't have the decision to make a vote against Apartheid or "Separate but Equal".
  • Black (Native) Laws Amendment Act No 54

    Black (Native) Laws Amendment Act No 54
    No Blacks/Natives can live or work in Urban areas without permission. For Blacks to be in an Urban area for cheap labor is to have extensive paperwork. Some of this paperwork must be carried everywhere because the police will check regularly.
  • General Law Amendment Act (Sabotage Act) No 76

    General Law Amendment Act (Sabotage Act) No 76
    Organizations can be declared illegal by the State President's power. This means that things like the Black Consciousness organizations can be declared illegal at any point in time. Makes the cause of Blacks fighting for freedom more suppressed and impossible.
  • Black Labor Act No 67

    Black Labor Act No 67
    This says that the laws for the blacks being recruited, employed, accommodated, fed, and controlled health conditions will be consolidated. While this law seems great, it may be used to make all working conditions for Blacks poor and unsafe.