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Apartheid in South African... With information from Gulf news.com

  • The population registration act

    The Population Registration Act demands all South Africans be registered according to their racial group: White, Black or Coloured. (According to this act, Indians fell under the Coloured category). Group Areas Act passed to residentially segregate blacks and whites. Communist Party banned. African National Congress (ANC) protests with campaign of civil disobedience, led by Nelson Mandela.
  • Sharpeville Massacre

    Sharpeville Massacre
    Sharpeville massacre: Police shooting at peaceful demonstrators, against laws for Africans, in Sharpeville: 69 men, women and children were killed and about 200 wounded. ANC is banned. massacre: Police shooting at peaceful demonstrators, against laws for Africans, in Sharpeville: 69 men, women and children were killed and about 200 wounded. ANC is banned.
  • Mandela goes to prison

    Mandela goes to prison
    Nelson Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • Mandela’s uprising

    Mandela’s uprising
    Mandela leads ANC’s new military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, which launches sabotage campaign against government.
  • Rivonia trial

    Mandela and other ANC members sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • United Nations not having it

    South Africa expelled from the UN because of apartheid.
  • A relief

    ANC ban is lifted. Mandela released after 27 years in prison. Namibia becomes independent.
  • Everything’s normal again

    Everything’s normal again
    ANC wins first democratic elections. Mandela becomes president, Government of National Unity formed, Commonwealth membership restored, remaining international sanctions lifted. South Africa returns to UN General Assembly after 20 years.