Miners strike
almost 75000 black miners went on strike for better pay and working conditions, it was however short-lived
16 Jun 1946 -
Natianal Party comes into power
New President
President D.F . Malan comes into power
4 Jun 1948 -
Prohibitation of mixed marriages act.
the prohiitation of mixed marraiges act
8 Jun 1949 -
population registration act
The National Party passes the Population Registration Act
8 Jun 1950 -
Group Areas Act
The group Areas act came into passing
7 Jul 1950 -
abolistion of passes and Coardination of Documents Act
This misleadingly named law required black people to carry passes.(Identification Booklets) -
Bantu Eduation Act
Seperate Education for whites and blacks -
The Bantu education Act
10 Sep 1953 Seperate education for blacks and whites -
Women Protesting against the Pass Laws (20 000 Women)>
Woman protest against the use of passes
Sharpville Massicre, ANC and PAC banned
69 People died while marching to a police station, and on that day ANC and PAC banned -
South Africa became a Republic
They Left the commonwealth. -
Nelson Mandelaa imprisoned after the rivonia trial.
He was charged with high treason. -
District 6 Declared a White Area
Hendrik Verwoerd Was assinated in Cape town
In a parliment sitting. He was dressed as a server and then stabbed hendrik. Assinated by Dimitri Tsafendas. -
FIrst Kruger rands are minted and printed
Soweto Uprising
Series of High school student led protests. 176 people were killed -
Steve Biko Murderdered by police
Steve Bikomurdered by the police
2 Mar 1977