Nov 15, 1326
Conquer of Bursa
Ottomans conquered the zone and they started to make a political and a social system there. -
Period: 1350 to
Ottoman Empire
Jun 15, 1383
Murad I Die
The leader of the Ottoman Empire died and the power was divided between his sons -
May 29, 1453
Mehmet II conquers Constantinople
With this conquest the Ottoman empire consolidate as a potential empire around the Asian continent. Also they ended the Byzantine empire. -
Aug 29, 1521
Conquest of Belgrade
One of the most important conquest in all the Ottoman history. Belgrade was an strategic zone for the complete conquer of Western territory. -
Oct 12, 1529
Suleiman Lost
The first great defeat of the Ottoman empire was done in Vienna. This shows to the rest of the world that the ottomans weren´t invincible, starting their fall. -
Oct 6, 1553
Suleiman gets rid of his linage
In a suspect of treason ,Suleiman command to execute Mustafá, his own son. This demonstrate how Suleiman was lost in his leadership. -
Sep 6, 1566
Suleiman's Dead
In the battle of Szigetvár ottomans defend a victory, with a great cost: their sultan. -
The Fall of the Ottoman Empire
On the decade of 1920s, Ottoman empire was oficially ended. All of this because of the dead of Suleiman. This event cause the empire to get smaller and smaller until the Turkish Independence close their history.