AP world history Project

  • 1200

    Tang and Song Dynasties

    known as the golden age of china. These two dynasties created paper money and created the printing press which was better developed in Europe. and introduced to the drinking of tea and invented gunpowder for war
  • 1200

    Feudalism in Europe

    After the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe moved to a decentralized form of governing through Feudalism. Feudalism helped the European countries flourish under the new military rule
  • 1206

    Dehli Sultanate

    an islamic based empire in India and lasted over 320 years. Over the reign of the empire they brought muslims to india. This resulted in the blendining of religons and culture to india which resulted in the indo- muslim cummunty
  • 1206

    The Mongol Empire

    the second largest land empire known to man. Only to be behind the british empire . the Mongols conquered and empires fell. It increased due to the communications on the silk roads. They also improved roads and out stains were horses from traveling merchants can rest
  • 1235

    Mali Empire

    The Mali Empire rose as the wealthiest and most powerful state due to taxation of the trade. Timbuktu was the center of all trade and was the center of Muslim life. Rulers established a currency. Mansa Musa is known for his pilgrimage to Mecca. The kingdom declined after the death of Mansa Musa
  • 1258

    the Abbasid Empire

    Controlled much of the middle east and most of north africa. It was a muslim based empire and The Abbasid empire descended from Muhammad’s youngest uncle Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib from which the dynasty takes its name from
  • 1271

    Yuan Dynasty

    This dynasty is China's first foreign-led dynasty. It was established by Kublai Khan. During this time the italian merchant Marco Polo introduced the chinese to the european. The trade on the silk roads helped enrich the dynasty greatly and helped grow their military and technology
  • 1299

    The Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman empire created a stable government in the middle east. The people in the empire were doctors, politicians and sciences that improved the modern world. The ottomans ruled fairly over the people and the countries that they conquered.
  • 1342

    the Bubonic Plague

    Started in China and then moved to the ports of Italy. The Bubonic Plague whipped out 60% of Europe's population. Most cites had a 100% death rate. Because of this most used this opportunity to use the plaque in their favor. And this is when bio- chemical warfare became the most useful technology during the time. And Empires fell due to the lack of resources to protect its people
  • 1350

    European Renaissance

    The rebirth of learning and art. Agriculture grew, cities recovered from the plague, trade expanded, and inventions like the standers printing press were made and became revolutionary. Ideas of nationalism grew as more people became educated. The idea of renaissance man became a word used to describe someone who was into the arts, science and philosophy. New ideas on running the church became ideak during this time
  • 1368

    The Great Ming Dynasty

    It began with the overthrow of the mongols. They stabilized East Asia and also expanded their Empire by conquering central asia. The Ming restored great artifacts like the great wall. And got more trade opportunities from the europeans. They established a school system as before the wealthy were the only ones that were allowed to go to school. And they had a way of rice and silver that was used to pay taxes( Dae Dong Policy )
  • 1400

    Mesoamerican Empires

    Known for having a fully developed language, different medicines and also having a chalaner pre- Columbien exchange. They were very advanced in farming and technology on reading stars and maps. They had food that the Europeans needed to keep the food supply up like maiz. They practiced sacrifice and all empire died out or have fallen due to the disease brought from the europeans
  • 1492

    The Spanish Empire

    The Spanish exported raw materials from the new world and also used the cheap labor to keep their empire wealthy. America was rich in timber and metals such as gold and silver. There goal was to spread christianty all over their new colonies and gain more colonies as they keep spreading. This resulted in the 3 G ( God Gold and Glory)
  • 1492

    Age of Exploration

    European countries took over sea voyages into the new world. This helped with the rise of nationalism as new powers wanted to make their economies with the richness of these new lands. And with new technology being made such as a compass and lateen sails more countries took part in exploring new waters
  • 1498

    Portuguese trading post empire

    The Portugues led European exploration into Asia’s trading posts. This helped control trade by having merchants paying a fee while being at a trading port
  • 1501

    The Atlanitc Slave Trade

    The slave trade happend for 100 years before the trade happened. In between African colonies. The colonies economics depend on the slave trade for agriculture in the new world. There were numerous workers working in the tobacco field, sugar cane field, rice, and indigo fields
  • 1517

    The Reformation

    a movement within Western Christiany which resulted in the change of the Roman Catholic church. This started the different chains in christianity. And created the Protestant church and religion
  • 1526

    The Mughal Empire

    Known for there Muslim role over Hindu India. Known for its arts and culture. It was a well organized Bureaucracy with a strong military. Economic growth came from the cotton going into europe. They put in many military programs even for the Hindus to keep the peace. New faiths aorse such as Sikhism, which blended Islam and Hindu ellements
  • Tokugawa shogunate

    Japan was isolated until the late classical age. The shoguns were military leaders and they ruled in the emperor's name. The elite land owners (daimyos) kept fighting for the land. Feudalism. But the samurai were still in power to keep the country safe
  • Qing Dynasty

    last imperial dynasty in china, they expanded into Taiwan, Mongolia and Central Asia. revolts and uprisings came as new leaders came to power and corruption in the economies and more people strived for a more controlled government the government was collecting tribute for being in there country. And the People's Republic of China came to be
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment is a shift in thinking. Ideas grew from scientific revolution and renaissance. They believed in applying reason to natural laws, they believed in liberty equality and happiness. The clash of ideas led to revolutions of independence and then nationalism followed. New ideas and philosophies became popular as new ideas, new laws grew and new ways of governing the people became easier to learn and easy to follow.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    was the transition to new manufacturing processes in Europe and the United States. Started in England. This provided more jobs for the poor and made manufacturing easier and faster. This started laws to protect children from working in harsh conditions and go to school. This also increased pollution due to all the coal powered factories. This also increased population near the work areas
  • The American Revoluton

    Inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment, the British taxation and attempt at control caused division in the colonies. Philosophy is summed in the declaration of independence on July 4, 1776. Rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. War was one on 1783 with the help of the from the french
  • The French Revolution

    inspired by the enlightenment and the American Revolution. Economic issues were the major cause of the revolution. as an absolute monarch the noble did not have it easy, Soon the nation's assembly came to part to show the king that people are starving and have no money for food because of the taxes. And the king refused to listen and nobles were executed. The first republic was formed but the reign of terror destroyed the original intent. The revolution ended with the rise of Napoleon
  • The Haitian Revolution

    Slaves revolted against French masters escaped slaves (maroons) joined the fight. Toussaint L’ Ouverture became the leader of the revolution. The independent nation of Haiti was born and the constitution gave equality and citizenship to all the slaves. This was the most successful slave revolt in history
  • The Tanzimat reforms

    as the rest of the great empire were industrializing the ottoman empire attempted the reforms with a modernized infrastructure, a french legal code and religious equality under the law. They worked to remove the corrupt officials, a new school system and new laws. Feudalism is abolished and banking increased but industrialization was slow
  • The Opium wars

    The Opium wars were wars fought for the opium trade in China and Great Britain. Chinese customs officials refused british imports of indian opium due to their own empire being addicted due to opium and brought down the dynasty. Many people fought for the opium trade to come back to China which resulted in both wars
  • Taiping Rebellion

    A Christain based revolutionary movement to reform China's society. This violent reaction by the imperial court left chona financially strained and caused the bloodiest civil war in history. This was supposed to be the peak of chinese power and through that the population was going to continue growing under the christian government but many people did not want to convert and wanted china to continue growing without a prominent religion
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    fought in india between the british and indian soldiers after rumors spread that the cartridges for there rifles were seald in pork and beef tallow there for voilationg Hindu and Muslim taboos. The Indian and muslim fighters asked for the cartatges to be anything but pork and beef but he british refused to change it beocsue it was cheaper and easier to make. This sparked anger between the Hindu and Muslim soilders
  • The Meiji Restoration

    Japan ended the rule and power of the Samurai who paid workers or elder salesmen. The Meiji empep led rapid industrialization and westernization. Allowed free press, had a strong labor force and respected individualism. The government built railroads, improved roads, and inaugurated a land reform program. And became the first country in Asia to industrialize. , the rulers embraced the concept of market economy and adopted forms of free enterprise capitalism
  • Scramble for Africa

    Africa is known for their exploit in raw materials and european powers wanted it all to themselves at a cheaper level with a cheap labor force and this resulted in the scramble for Africa. Fear that war would break out between the countries they agreed that different countries will take part in africa and can't go and take places that's not theirs in the map, that's when boundaries in africa were made and war between tribes broke out, tribal wars continue to this day
  • The Berlin Conference

    At the Berlin Conference, the European colonial powers scrambled to gain control over the interior of Africa. They also set up rules on how the europeans can govern the people of africa. During this time is when the content would be divided regarding the people of africa