AP World History-Classical China Timeline

  • Jan 3, 616

    Political - Decline of Sui Emperor Yang

    Corrupted and Lavish Emperor Yang, who is the successor of Emperor Wen, has constantly raised war against Korea, and it brought famine and chaos in agricultural aspect of Sui Dynasty.
    Gradually the Sui dynasty has declinde, and eventually it was collapsed by rebel.
  • Nov 11, 630

    Economy - Silk Road

    Economy - Silk Road
    Silk road linked the western world to east. Trade through silk Road has greatly contributed to the weatlh of Tang Dynasty
  • Nov 11, 640

    Economy - Agriculture

    Economy - Agriculture
    Agriculture was the main Supply of Food. during Tang regime, agriculture developed furthur that people could harvest more than one time a year
  • Nov 11, 650

    Economy - Gun Powder

    Economy - Gun Powder
    Gun powder was invented in Tang, it was not used as gun but instead for fireworks and bombs.
  • Nov 11, 660

    Political - Centralized Power

    Political - Centralized Power
    During Tang, the emperors had further consolidated their powers compare to prior Dynasties.
  • Nov 11, 670

    Political - Land Taxation

    Political - Land Taxation
    Tang Dynasty established the equal land distribution system but they also collected taxation from land owner whihc has further extended the wealth of the dynasty and its power
  • Nov 11, 700

    Social - Patriarchal Society

    Social - Patriarchal Society
    Tand Dyansty was also a Patriarchal society. Women had less rights and many restrictions in society
  • Nov 11, 710

    Social - Paintings

    Social - Paintings
    Tang Dynasty had its unique style of painting, which is vividly painting objects and ususally painters depicted the daily life of people
  • Nov 11, 1000

    Economy - Urbanization

    Economy - Urbanization
    During Song regime, Hangzhou the capital city of Southern Song was the world-most urban city and had many resturants and shops.
  • Nov 11, 1010

    Political - Jurchen

    Political - Jurchen
    Song allied with Jurchen to defeat Liao Empire, however, after the victory over Liao, Jurchen invaded Song Dynasty and ended the regime of Song Dynasty in Chinese History
  • Nov 11, 1020

    Political - Navy

    Political - Navy
    Souther Song had a Strong Navy forces that further strengthened the power of Song Dynasty.
  • Nov 11, 1030

    Political - Mogol normads

    Political  - Mogol normads
    the collapse of Song Dynasty was by the invasion of Mogolian soldiers in 1279. Mogol had strong Calvary soldiers.
  • Nov 11, 1040

    Social - Foot binding

    it's a ridiculous tradition of binding little girls feet just for assthetic reason. People would wrap girls feet really tight so that it would prevent the bone to grow when it should be growing as other parts of the body grows. After they became an adult they could hardly walk, but they still did it becasue Emperor once thought it's attractive.
  • Nov 11, 1050

    Social - Schools

    during Song regime, the first Government-established school was introduced. Showing Education started to become a important factor in the Song Society
  • Nov 11, 1060

    Socia - Imperial Examination

    Socia - Imperial Examination
    Imperical Examination was practiced since Long time ago, however during the Song dynasty it was significant becasue Song had the most test takers ever in history which was around forty thousand testtakers
  • Nov 11, 1270

    Emperor Song Weiwang

    (Zhao Bing): Younger brother of Duanzong and died at eight; Chancellor Lu Xiu carried him jumping into the sea after the Yuan army's invasion.
  • Emperor Wen - Yang Jian

    Emperor Wen - Yang Jian
    Last Emperor of NorthernZhou Dynasty and also the founder of Sui Dynasty.
    He has monopolized all the power of Northern Zhou Dyansty to form his own empire which is the Sui Dynasty
  • Economic - Ship Building Skills

    Economic - Ship Building Skills
    Under the rule of Emperor Wen, Sui dynasty has advacned the Ship Building skills into a whole new stage which has greatly contributed to the economic aspects of Sui Dynasty
  • Economic - Agriculture

    Economic - Agriculture
    Agriculture acreage and Juntian System, equal distribution of land to peasants, have attributed to increased the agricultural production and prosperity of Dynasty
  • Economic - Grand Canal

    Economic - Grand Canal
    Under Emperor Wen, people were commended to dredge the Grand Canal which allows people to ship thiings from north to south part of China. Grand Canal is one of the greatest things created during Classical China because it is still used as the Canla the links northern and southern part of China
  • Political - Three Departments and Six Ministries

    Three Departments and Six Ministries was a new system that Emperor Wen established in his empire. It divided the work into several aspects and each officials would take charge of each section of the work, which would have gave officials more responsibilities and higer efficiency with more detailed information.
  • Political - Imperial Examination System

    Once hierearchial system was replaced to a system which would select officials with more fair and organized way, through Imperial Examination System. Then the Emperor would have more intellectuals to govern the empire wisely
  • Social - Patriarchal Society

    Social - Patriarchal Society
    Sui Dynasty was a Patriarchal Sociely that Women were submissive to men. Like other Patriarchal Societies, women in Sui Dynasty had least rights.
  • Social - Buddism

    Buddism was the the main religion in Sui Dynasty that Emperor Wen has reunified his empire with. Emperor Wen believed by practicing Karma people with form harmony in society and live life filled with happiness
  • Social - Agriculture

    Social - Agriculture
    As agriculture in Social aspect, it promoted fariming among people and since agriculture was not only the main method they fed themselves but also the major sector of trading that most people heavily depended on agriculture
  • Polital - Emperor Ai

    Constant rebellions by peasants have weakened the power of Tang Dynasty and eventually under Emperor Ai, Tang has Collapsed.
  • Emperor Tang Guo Gong

    Emperor Tang Guo Gong
    the founder of Tang Dynasty, once the officer of Sui Dynasty but he was the one who raised the rebellion and killed the last emperor of Sui Dynasty
  • Tang Tai Zong

    undre the rule of Tang Tai Zong, Tang Dynasty experience the most succesful period - stable government, prosperous peasants, flourishing economy and commerce
  • Political - Foreign Relations

    Political - Foreign Relations
    Tang had spread its influence not only through trading but also by making good relationships with foreign nations including Roman empire, india, Iran, Japan, and SinLa
  • Social - Class Division

    Social - Class Division
    Tand Dynasty had several different social classes: Emperor and his families, aristocracy, bureaucracy. eunuchsclergy, peasants, artisans and traders, then the slaves.
  • Emperor Song Taizu

    Emperor Song Taizu
    (Zhao Kuangyin): Formerly the leading general of the Latter Zhou (951 - 960); He Stole the throne and founded the Song Dynasty by launching a coup.
  • Economic - Agriculture

    Economic - Agriculture
    Advance the Agriculture skills from what Tand used. Even more prosper than Tang Dynasty in terms of supply of food.
  • Economy - Paper Money

    Economy - Paper Money
    Song Dynasty has transformed from commodity market to establishing the paper money which uses the paper money to buy and sell stuff - very advanced civilization.
  • Period: to

    Sui Dynasty

    Descended from Zhou Dynasty by YangJina or Emperor Wen.
    Capital was Changan
  • Period: to

    Tang Dynasty

    Tang was known as the golden period of Chinese history becuase of its prosperous society and barely raising wars against others.
    However in 907, Emperor Ai abdicated his throne and became the last emperor of Tang Dynasty
  • Period: to Nov 11, 1279

    Song Dynasty

    Song Dynasty is divide into two- Northern song and Southern Song. It was the most prosperous of medieval time. Founded of Li Yuan and ended by the invasion of Mongolian.