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AP World 10-12

  • 220

    13: End of the Han dynasty

  • Period: 220 to 589

    13: Era of the Six Dynastics; political discord in China; time of great Buddhist influence

  • Period: 500 to 900

    11: Recovery period after Rome’s fall; Christian missionaries work in Northern Europe

  • Period: 589 to 618

    13: Sui dynasty; building of the Grand Canal

  • Period: 711 to 713

    8: First Muslim raids into India

  • Period: 711 to 713

    8: First Muslim raids into India

  • 732

    11: Franks defeat Muslims in France

  • 750

    8: Establishment of the Abbasid caliphate (Baghdad)

  • 809

    8: First war of succession between Abbasid princes

  • Period: 840 to 850

    13: Period of Buddhist persecution

  • Period: 900 to 1000

    11: Spread of new plows; use of horses in agricultural and transport

  • 907

    13: End of Tang Dynasty

  • Period: 960 to 1279

    13: Song Dynasty; Neo Confucian revival

  • 998

    8: Beginnings of Ghazni raids into western India

  • 1050

    13: Invention of block printing with movable type

  • 1050

    13: Invention of block printing with movable type

  • 1055

    8: Seljuk Turks overthrow Buyids, control caliphate

  • Period: 1096 to 1270

    11. Crusades

  • Period: 1096 to 1099

    8: First Christian Crusade in Palestine

  • 1119

    13: First reference to the use of compass for sea navigation

  • Period: 1200 to 1274

    11: Thomas Aquinas and flowering of scholasticism

  • 1215

    11: Magna Carta

  • 1258

    8: Fall of Baghdad to Mongols; end of Abbasid caliphate

  • 1265

    11: First English parliament

  • Period: 1279 to 1368

    13: Mongol (Yuan ) dynasty rules all China

  • Period: 1290 to 1300

    8: Beginning of the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia

  • 1291

    8: Fall of Acre; last crusader stronghold in Middle East

  • Period: 1338 to 1453

    11: Hundred Years’ War

  • Period: 1348 to 1380

    11. Black Death (bubonic plague)

  • 1469

    11: Formation of single Spanish monarchy