AP US History Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1442

    Johan Guttenberg

    He created the movable type printing press. This made it possible for people to spread ideas and educate themselves in the colonies.
  • Mar 3, 1492


    A series of wars fought by catholic spain against the moors who claimed land in the Iberian penninsula.
  • Aug 11, 1494

    Treaty of Torsedillas

    This was a line that divided the new world. Territories to the west of this line were said to be caimed by spain. However this didn't stop other countries from trying to colonize the new world.
  • May 3, 1497

    John and Sebastian Cabot

    John Cabbot was the first person recorded to have made a trans atlantic voyage with an English ship. Sebastian Cabot explored the hudson bay. there discoveries later made it easier for other colonists to claim the new world.
  • Sep 8, 1552

    Slave Trade

    This was the large scale trade of slaves from Africa to the new world. This made it possible for large amounts of work to be done at a low cost.
  • Apr 1, 1558

    Protestant Reformation

    The protestant reformation was a movement to reform the Roman Catholic church. This is what caused some people to go to the Americas to avoid persecution.
  • Jun 26, 1570


    Roanoke was the first colony established in the Americas. However it failed because supplies could not get back from England due to the spanish blockade. No one knows exactly what happened to the colonists who lived there.
  • Richard Haklyut

    He published a book of interviews that he used to make the European colonies seem sugnificant. This changed the European opinion on colonies.
  • Encomienda System

    A labor system used by spain to control conquistadors. This made it possible for spain to get more work done and spread catholicism
  • James Town (Virginia)

    The first succesful colony in the new world. It was founded by the British. it almost starved to death in the beggining but was saved by John Smith.
  • Quebec

    A french colony in what is now Canada. They had good relations with the natives making it easier to learn about them and befriend other peoples.
  • Plymouth

    Pilgrims came to the Americas because of William Bradfords stories
    of American settlement. They created the Mayflower Compact and with Squanto's help created a thriving colony
  • New York

    New York
    James the Duke of York and his governor created the Duke's Laws. This created a local government and ensured religious freedom. This colony had bad leadership and gave out land irresponsibly.
  • Massachusetts Bay

    Massachusetts Bay
    John Winthrop started Massachusetts Bay as a Puritan colony. They lived in peace and had a good working law system. they didn't accept heresy, which kept them together.
  • Maryland

    Founded by Cecilius Calvert and Lord Baltimore II. It was a place for prosecuted Catholics but mostly contained protestants. Eventualy the protestants overtook the catholics and there were many fights over religon.
  • Connecticut

    Thomas Hooker helped New Englanders with Congregational Church Policy and they decided to use the Fundamental Orders as their government.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Founded by Roger Williams, and Anne Hutchinson. They brought their followers, and together to create the colony. It was a profitable in agricultural. This colony was unique in its religious diversity.
  • Carolinas

    Carolina was mostly filled with planatations that were run by slave labor. Most farmers were trying to grow the best cash crop.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Bacons Rebellion
    A rebellion was led by Nathaniel Bacon an indentured servant. He fought agaisnt the corrupt governor of Virginia and Indians. Later African slaves were used in order to easily identify rebels in cases like this.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    This colony was dependant on Massachusetts and grew slowly due to it's low population
  • Pennsylvania

    Founded by William Penn a Quaker who wanted religious freedom. Many Quakers came from Ireland, Wales, and England.
  • Parliamentary Supremecy

    Parliamentary Supremecy
    The parliment established its supremecy. This angered the colonists because they had no representation.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    A document created by the English parliament to ensure certain freedoms and protestant supremacy.
  • Georgia

    This was settled mainly to stop Spain. James Oglelthrope is a big reason it survived. There was no slavery and alchohol at first and very few people came even though it was made for the poor.
  • First Gret Awakening

    First Gret Awakening
    Many thought religon had lost its essence . Jonathan Edwards started the awakening but George Whitefield took over. They spread their teachings and started the New Lights. This started many new beliefs and ideoligies.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    Britain and France were fighting to control colonial North America and eventually the British drove France out of mainland North America. This lead to the taxation that caused the American revolution.
  • Quartering act

    Quartering act
    Colonists were required to house and feed British soldiers. Howerver the colonists saw this as a tax which they did not consesnt to.
  • Stamp act congress

    Stamp act congress
    Representatives from the colonies met in New York. This gave the colonists a form of representation.
  • Townshend Revenue act

    Townshend Revenue act
    New duties were made on glass, lead, paper paint, and tea. However the colonists did not want to pay these duties and there became a foundation for intercolonia communication.
  • Boston Massacre

    British troops were confused and fired on a group of protesters killing five. Those who died were seen a martyrs and fueld the colonists resentment of Britan.
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    The British lowered the price of tea in order to save the East India company and also put a tax on the tea. The colonists saw this as yet another form of taxation without representation.
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    Colonists dressed up as mohawk indians and tossed British tea into the harbor as a protest to the tea act.
  • Intolerable acts

    Intolerable acts
    Boston ports were closed, the massachusetts government was restructured, and troops were stationed in Boston. The colonists saw it as Britan trying to enslave them.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The price on sugar was revised and a new tax was added. The colonists saw it as a violation of their rights and social contract.
  • First continental congress

    First continental congress
    A group of 55 delagates from 12 of the colonies met to dicuss issues. This also helped lead to the revolutionary movement.
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    Special stamped paper was needed for all official documents and had to be purchased from stamp distributers. This new stamped papere affected everyone in the colonies and many protested it.
  • Shot heard 'roun the world

    Shot heard 'roun the world
    first shots of the revolution were fired. news spread fast that the revolution had begun.
  • Lexington and concord

    Lexington and concord
    Small farming towns n Massachusetts were the first battle of the revolutionary war began.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    A gathering of delagates happened in philidelphia to discuss the war. They provided a form of central leadership for the colonists.
  • Olive Branch petiton

    Olive Branch petiton
    A petition as signed in order to try and avoid war between the colonies and Britan
  • Prohibitory acts

    Prohibitory acts
    The British resrticted trade of the colonists to only them. The colonists could not trade with anyone else unless they begged for a pardon.
  • Common sense

    Common sense
    Panphlet written by Thomas Paine calling for a free and independatn America.
  • Declaratory act

    Declaratory act
    Parliment declared its sovereignty over the colonists in all cases whatsoever. The colonists felt that the parliment did not represent them becauseit only contained representatives from Britan.
  • Trenton

    On Christmas night washington snuck troops across the Delaware river and suprise attacked a group of Hessian mercinaries. This was win for America and the beggining of the use of untraditional tactics
  • German town/Vallet forge

    German town/Vallet forge
    The revolutionaries last effort at a counter attack before winter set in. It was cut short before either side could win. After words they went to valley forge for the winter. many troops died during this winter
  • Saratoga

    Huge American victory ove the British that convinced the French to help them.
  • Kings Mountan

    Kings Mountan
    One of the most vicouse battles of the war. The Americans used un tradtional guerilla warefare tactcs against the British.
  • Yorktown

    The last battle of the revolutionary war. The Americans trapped Admiral Cornwallis in yorktown while the french cut off his retreat by sea. Cornwallis surrenderd the British army over to washington, ending the war.