AP Us History Timeline

  • French and Indian War

    The turning point in American History
    Was a series of wars against the French and their Native American

    allies fighting over land, trade routes and fur
  • Proclamation of (1763)

    The proclmation was when the British won land after the seven war and didn't let the Americans have land west of the Appalachia mountain range
  • Quarting Act 1765

    On this day British Parliament made it so the colonists had to house and feed soldiers
  • Townshed Act

    Was an act passed by the British taxing the colonits and taking Away some of the freedoms, some of the things taxed were lead, glass, paint and more
  • Bostan Mass.

    On march 5, there was a deadly battle involving the British soldiers and a mob of American men 6 men were killed and 7 were injured
  • Boston Tea party

    In 1773 The colonists dressed up Native Americans and got abroad a ship and threw out East India company tea into the Boston Harbor
  • Intolerable acts

    Was an act made to be a punishment because of the Tea party, the king taxed colonists of paint, glass, and other necessitates.
  • The stamp Act

    This was an act that taxed the colonists on all commercial documents. This helped fuel the desire to over throw the crown.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Was the first real battle fought by the american's and British, when the British stormed Lexington and were going to steal the Americans armor