AP Psych personal timeline

By ggarver
  • Accident at age of four

    Accident at age of four
    When I was four years old I had an accident. I was messing around and did a front flip onto the coffee table, where I split my head open. This was very dramatic for me because I didn't expect it. I had to go to the hospital and get stitches. While I sat in the hospital I remember eating a popsicle and watching Dora.
  • Birthday in Disney World

    Birthday in Disney World
    For my fifth birthday I went to Disney World and had lunch with the princesses. I remember wearing a light blue dress with a birthday sticker. Seeing all the princesses made me so happy because they were helping me celebrate my birthday.
  • Lila is born

    Lila is born
    On June 7th in 2013 my little sister, Lila, was born. I then became the middle child and I was nervous because I thought my parents were going to forget about me. Well... I was kind of right. For a long time after Lila was born, I felt like I was forgotten about and I didn't get that much attention anymore.
  • Hawaii Trip

    Hawaii Trip
    In summer of 2016 my family took a trip to Hawaii. It has been one of my favorite trips. The environment is so refreshing and the food is so natural, it's to die for. I got to see so many cool things and even swam in a waterfall. I haven't been back sense and I still can remember the trip as if it was yesterday.
  • Winning State

    Winning State
    On November 20th, 2021 my cheer team won state. It was one of the best feelings I have ever felt. Knowing that I worked so hard towards something and it paid off was the biggest life lesson I have learned. This memory still brings joy to my life.
  • Present

    I am currently a senior in high school and I am graduating early in December.
  • Graduation

    I have worked hard to graduate early this December. I am very excited to close off my high school chapter but also sad. I know this will be best for me. Next semester I plan to take online college classes to get ahead and also get a job. I will attend graduation ceremony in may of 2023.
  • Starting college

    Starting college
    In August I will be attending Kansas State University and majoring in Fashion Studies. I am very excited to open this chapter of my life and meet new people. I will also be participating in the greek life and rush.
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
    In the year of 2027 I will be graduating from college and moving onto my career and hopefully moving somewhere to where my job will be located, maybe the east coast. I want to have a pet cat named Cowboy.
  • Age of 27

    Age of 27
    By the time I am 27 I want to be engaged or married to someone who understands me and loves me. I want my significant other to know how to make me happy on my sad days and make me feel important everyday. I want a good vibe and balance in our relationship. To keep the spark alive I want to go on vacations at least three times a year.
  • Age of Forty

    Age of Forty
    By the age of Forty I want to have a family and a big house on the east coast. Preferably Charleston, South Carolina. I hope to be successful with my career. Having traditions is also important to me. Some traditions include Christmas at the Chalet, Fourth of July on the beach, and monthly family dinners.
  • Questions

    1. The timeline shows that I want a planned out future.
    2. I could potentially be very different if my little sister wasn't born because I could have not gotten as mature. Having a little sister makes me step up and be a role model for her but if she wasn't born then I wouldn't of had to do that.
    3. My future seems to be flexible because I plan to have children later in my lifetime so before that period of time, I have lots of room to grow.