Flight to Rio de Janeiro
The team needs to board International Copa flight CM0491 to Panama City at 12:01 AM. Expect a 1 hour and 46 minute layover in Panama City. Board international Copa flight CM0767 to Rio de Janeiro at 4:56 AM. Land in Rio de Janeiro at 12:11 PM. Your total flight time with the layover is 12 hours and 10 minutes. Sleep on the plane for the long day ahead. The total cost of the flights should be $1,814 USD. -
Taxi to Restaurant
The team needs to take a taxi from the Rio de Janeiro–Galeão International Airport to the Espirito Santa restaurant. The team will arrive at 12:20 PM, and the total cost of the taxi ride is $11 USD. The distance from the airport to the restaurant is 11 miles. -
Cultural Cuisine
The team needs to arrive at the Espirito Santa restaurant at 12:20 PM. The team should enjoy the Brazillian and Amazonian Cuisine. Based on what the team orders, the total cost should be expected to be $100 USD. -
Taxi to Parade
The team needs to take a taxi ride from the hotel to the Rio de Janeiro Carnival. They need to be in the taxi by 4:00, and arrive at the parade by 4:05 PM. The cost should be $5 USD. -
Taxi to Hotel
The team needs to end their meal by at least 2:00 PM. Take a taxi to the Windsor-Florida Hotel. The distance to the hotel is one mile, and the total cost of the ride should be around $1 USD. The team needs to arrive at the hotel by 2:01 PM. -
Sleep/ Rest
The team needs to sleep at the Windsor-Florida hotel from 2:01 PM until 4:00 PM (two hours). It will be a long and busy week ahead, and so the sleep is necessary. -
Prepare for Parade
The team needs to pay for tickets and get into costume and makeup for the parade. This should begin at 4:05 and end at 4:30 PM. The cost will be $234 USD. -
Challenge #1
The team will dance in the Rio de Janeiro Carnival Parade. The Rio de Janiero carnival is the largest of carnivals in Brazil, leading up to the Ash Wednesday holiday; the beginning of the 40 day period of Lent. This festival has caused the city of Rio de Janeiro to become a perceptual region, where this festival is the first thing that people think of when they think of Brazil. -
Taxi to Marvelous City Ball
The team will board a taxi to the Marvelous City Ball by 10:43 PM. They will ride for 17 minutes, for a total cost of $17 USD, and will arrive at the Ball in Cocabana Palace at 11:00 PM. -
Marvelous City Ball
The team will participate in the Marvelous City Ball at the Cocabana Palace starting at 11:00 PM and ending at 2:00 AM. The total cost of the ball will total to $298 USD. -
Challenge #1 Part 2
Modern society has brought popularity to the Carnival in Rio, and through movies and books, has brought this religious festival into popular culture. The carnival has also been a major pull factor for Rio de Janeiro, enticing many of the people to come to the area. This festival has also caused the perceptual region of the area to become mostly the carnival. The team will dance in the parade from 4:30 PM until 10:43 PM. -
Period: to
Amazing Race
Taxi to Hotel
The team will take a taxi from the Ball back to the hotel. The trip will cost $4 USD, and will span between 2:00 and 2:04 AM on March 30. -
The team needs to sleep from 2:04 AM until 6:04 AM (four hours). -
Taxi to Airport
The team needs to be en-route to the Rio de Janeiro–Galeão International Airport by 6:04 AM. The taxi will arrive at the airport by 6:36 AM, and the total cost will be $32 USD. -
Flight to Honolulu
The team needs to board United Airlines flight UA128 to Houston, Texas at 6:36 AM. Expect a three hour, forty-five minute layover in Houston, and board United Airlines Flight UA253 to Honolulu, Hawaii at 7:46 PM. Land in Honolulu at 4:22 AM. Sleep on the second flight. -
Taxi to Hula
Take a taxi to the Moments Unforgettable Dance Studio. This will take 4 minutes, and the total cost will be $4. You will arrive at 6:41 AM. -
Hula Lesson
Take a Hula Leson at Moments Unforgettable, while learning the art of the Hula Dance. This will be a half hour, and end at 7:11 AM. The total cost will be $30 USD. -
Walk around the Palace
The team needs to take a short walk around the Palace, to get a feel for the Honolulu culture since they will not be there long. The walk needs to take seven minutes, and end at 4:37 AM. -
Taxi to Airport
Take a taxi to the Honolulu Airport. The cost should be $1, and the team should arrive at 7:12 AM. -
Flight to Singapore
The team needs to board Delta Flight DL295 to Tokyo, Japan at 7:12 AM. Expect a 46 minute layover in Tokyo and board Delta Flight DL167 to Singapore. Arrive in Singapore at 11:47 PM. The total time is 16 hours and 35 minutes. -
Taxi to Hotel
Take a taxi from the Singapore-Changi airport to the Fullerton Hotel at 11:47 PM. You should arrive at the hotel at 11:54 PM. The total time should be 7 minutes and the total cost should be $7. -
Sleep at the Fullerton Hotel from 11:54 to 4:54 AM. The team should have slept on the second flight from Tokyo to Singapore (approx. 8 hour flight), so the total sleep time should average between 6-7 hours that night. -
Taxi to Palace
Take a taxi from the IAH-HNL airport to the Honolulu Palace. This will take 8 minutes, and you will arrive at the destination at 4:30 AM. -
Challenge #2
The team will attend the opening morning ceremony of the Aloha festival, a celebration of Hawaii's heritage and unique local culture. Hawaii is different from the mainland USA, and through friction of distance has caused the nation to have many different cultural aspects that are varied. The Aloha Festival spans three months throughout all the islands, but the opening ceremony gives the people of Hawaii a sense of place. The ceremony is from 4:37- 6:37 AM. -
Taxi to Temple
Take a taxi at 4:54 AM to the Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple. The ride should last 4 minutes, and the total cost should be $4. Arrive at the temple at 4:58 AM. -
Challenge #3
From 4:58-6:54 AM, the team will attend the early morning ceremony of Vesak Day. This holiday in the Buddhist religion celbrates the birth, life, and death of Buddha. They pray in temples; sacred sites. Buddhism is a non-materialistic way of life, for it teaches about the internal enlightenment. Vesak Day is a celebratory time of Buddha. -
Taxi to Breakfast
Take a taxi to Penang Culture from 6:54- 7:00. The total cost should be $6 and the total time should be six minutes. -
Eat Breakfast at the Penang Culture Restaurant. Try Malay and Singaporian Cuisine from 7:00 until 7:30. -
Taxi to Airport
Take a taxi to the Singapore-Changi Airport. the ride should last one minute, and the cost should be $1. Arrive at the airport at 7:31 AM. -
Flight to Israel
The team needs to board Thai Airways Flight THAI410 to Bangkok at 7:31 AM. Expect a 1 hour, 1 minute layover in Bangkok. Board El Al flight ELAL82 to Tel Aviv at 10:12 AM. Arrive in Tel Aviv at 9:02 PM. The total flight time should be 13 hours, 22 minutes. The total cost should be $2439 USD -
Taxi to Kibbutz
Take a taxi to the Wailing Wall at 9:02 PM. The total time should be 45 minutes, the toal cost should be $45, and the team should arrive at 9:47 PM. -
The team needs to sleep at the Ramat Rachel Kibbutz located on the edge of Jerusalem and the West Bank. The team needs to sleep from 9:47 PM until 6:47 AM. -
Challenge #4
From 7:42 AM-5:30 PM, the team needs to follow the daily rituals of the Jewish people leading up to the holy day- Shabbat. Israel is the hearth of the Jewish people who practice Judaism. The standard of living in an Israeli Kibbutz is different from a Jewish neighborhood in America. The people participate in daily prayer, as well as follow strict dietary rules- making their life more orthodox. The team needs to take part in their daily schedule to understand the culture. -
Taxi to Jerusalem
The team needs to take a taxi from the Kibbutz to the city of Jerusalem. This should take 12 minutes, cost $12, and the team needs to arrive at 6:59 AM. -
Pray at the Western Wall
The team needs to follow the customs of the Jewish people and pray at the Western Wall (aka the Wailing Wall). It is custom to write a wish on a piece of paper and stick it into the cracks of the wall. Follow this ritual from 6:59 until 7:30 AM. -
Taxi to Kibbutz
Return to the Ramat Rachel Kibbutz. The taxi ride should last 12 minutes, cost $12, and the team needs to arrive back at the Kibbutz at 7:42 AM. -
Taxi to Airport
The team needs to take a 45 minute taxi ride to Tel Aviv-Yafo Airport. The cost will total $45, and the team will arrive at the airport at 6:15 PM. -
Fly to France
The team needs to board Swiss Airlines Flight SWISS257 to Zurich, Swizerland at 6:15 PM. Expect a 1 hour layover in Zurich. Board Swiss Airlines Flight SWISS532 to Lyon, France at 11:35 PM. Arrive in Lyon at 12:35 AM. The total flight time should be 6 hours and 20 minutes. -
Taxi to Hotel
Take a taxi from the Lyon-St-Exupery airport to the Cour De Loges hotel at 12:35 AM. Arrive at the hotel at 12:53 AM. The total cost is $18. -
Sleep from 12:53 AM until 7:53 AM. -
Taxi to Breakfast
The team needs to take a taxi to Comme Chez Mathilde Restaurant for Saturday Morning Breakfast. The team needs to leave by 7:53 AM and arrive at 7:55 AM. The total cost should be $2. -
Eat Breakfast
The team needs to eat at Comme Chez Mathilde for breakfast to enjoy authentic French cuisine. This should last from 7:55 AM until 10:55 AM. -
Taxi to Fourviere Hill
The team needs to take a taxi to Fourviere Hill. The total cost should be $3, and the team needs to arrive at 10:58 AM. -
Challenge #5
The team needs to watch the performances of the Festival of Lights from 10:58 AM until 11:59 PM, including the light show. The festival celebrates Mary, the mother of Jesus in the religion of Christianity. In France, the "Fete de Lumieres" is the actual name, for France has a lingua franca, and french must be the main language in the country. The Festival of Lights also shows the identity of the French people, as they divulge into their own culture to combine with their religious beliefs. -
Taxi to Airport
The team needs to board a taxi to the Lyon-St-Exupery Airport at 10:04 AM. The ride is 18 minutes long, costs $18, and the team should arrive at the airport at 10:22 AM. -
Taxi to Hotel
The team needs to take a taxi ride to the Cour Des Loges hotel for a second night. The ride should take five minutes, cost $5, and the team needs to arrive at the hotel at 12:04 AM. -
The team needs to sleep another night at the Cour Des Loges hotel, from 12:04 AM until 10:04 AM. -
Fly to Miami
The team needs to board British Airways Flight 365 to London England. Expect a two hour, fifteen minute layover in London. Board American Airlines flight AMERICAN57 to Miami at 2:19 PM. Arrive in Miami at 11:59 PM. The total flight time is 13 hours, 35 minutes.