AP His unit 3

  • Period: to

    Cardinal Richeleui (Cheif minister to Luis XIII) time in office

  • Period: to

    Charles I of England (1625-1649)

  • Parlement passes petition of right and its ignored by Charles I

  • Period: to

    Parlement is not called by Charles I and he rules absolutely

  • The long parlement meets after not being called by Charles I 1640-1660

  • Period: to

    First phase of English Civil War

    • New model army based off of Gustavus Adolphus army from 30 years war (Gustavus Adolphus = "Father of modern warfare" because of mobile artillery )
  • Period: to

    Luis XIV Rein (1643-1715) THE SUN KING

  • Period: to

    Unit 3/4/5

  • End of 30 years war

  • Period: to

    Oliver Cromwell military government

  • Restoration of English monarchy

    James II - Open and devout catholic
  • Period: to

    Franco Dutch War

  • Siege of Vienna

  • Period: to

    Glorious Revolution

  • Bill of Rights passed during GL

    Significantly increases parliamentary power
  • Bank of England Founded

  • Period: to

    Agriculural Revolution

    Improvments to
    - Larger farms
    - Increased crop yields
    - Improved Climate
  • Period: to

    Cottage industry

    • In 1732 textile factories using water are invented
  • Seed Drill invention

  • Period: to

    War of the Spanish Succession

    • Started because Charles II of Spain died without an heir
    • In Charles will he left the Spanish throne to Louis XIV grandson
    • This meant the possibility of the two thrones uniting as one and posing a significant threat to the balance of power in Europe
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    • Brought an end to the War of the Spanish succession
    • Allowed Spain to have a bourbon monarch but was not allowed to unify with France
    • British Gain Gibraltar (Navel Base in the south of Spain at the entrance to the Mediterranean sea)
  • Period: to

    Luis XV Rein (1715-1774)

  • Water frame invented

    Much more efficient than traditional methods of hand spinning
  • Period: to

    First Wave of Industrial Revolution (Britain)

    • Boosted by agricultural revolution and increasing population because of surplus labor
    • Britain had many natural resources to utilize
    • Lax government restrictions on industry
    • Interests of entrepreneurs represented in parliament, which had become significantly more powerful since the Glorious Revolution
    • Britain had a ready supply of markets in its colonies
  • Period: to

    Seven years War

  • Period: to

    Luis XVI Rein (1774-1792)

  • mechanised looms in 1780s

  • The Great Fear

    • Peasents think there is an aristocratic plot to starve the peasants after a series of bad harvests
  • Decrees of august 4th

    • Abolished Feudal system
    • Abolished feudal dues and tax exemptions
  • Declaration of the rights of man

    • This outlines the rules of a constitutional government
  • Period: to

    Liberal Phase (French revolution)

    • Liberal reform
    • Bourgeoisie Dominated
  • Calling of estates General (Start of French Revolution)

    • Had not met since 1614
    • Massive financial issues for France after both 30 years war and support of American Revolution and Luis XVI needed to raise money
    • Third Estate wants influence in government (They want reforms). "Doubling the third" or "voting by head". Louis XVI settles on "doubling the third".
    Third estate eventually declares themselves independent. This leads to the Tennis Court Oath after they are locked out of the Estates General meeting.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Third Estate Convenes and commits to keep meeting until a constitution is drawn.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    • Happened in reaction to Luis XVI stationing troops at Versailles for the following meetings
    • Seen as a symbol of the monarchies abuse of power
  • Flight to Varennes

    • Louis XVI attempts flee with his family but gets caught
  • Declaration of Pillnitz

    • If Lous XVI is threatened Prussia and Austria will attack. (Austria will only attack if the major powers declare war)
  • Period: to

    Legislative Assembly

    • This is when things to start to become radicalized
  • Proclamation of the French Republic

    • Louis XVI is now deposed (No king in a republic)
  • Trial of Louis XVI 1792-1793

    • Charged with treason and is executed
  • Period: to

    Radical Phase (French revolution)

    • Jacobin Dominant, Sans Culottes
    • Nationalistic
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    • Mass executions of enemies to the revolution and want the restoration of the old regime
    • This was carried out by the committee of public safety under Maximilien Robespierre
    • Done to form a dictatorship of the people (Like Rousseu's "Social Contract")
    • Eventually Robespierre is executed as the committee of public safety turned on itself
  • Coup of 1799

    Napoleon was first consul
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Time period

  • Napoleon crowns himself emporer

  • End of the age of Napoleon