AP European History Timeline

  • Period: 1267 to 1337

    Work of Giotto

  • Period: 1309 to 1377

    Popes of Avignon

  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    100 Years War

  • Period: 1346 to 1353

    Black Death

  • Period: 1356 to 1357

    Golden Bull of Germany

  • 1358

    French Peasant Revolt

  • 1364

    Giovanni de Dondi Clock

  • Period: 1378 to 1417

    The Great Schism

  • 1381

    English PEasant Revolt

  • 1392

    Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

  • Period: 1396 to 1415

    Truce of 100 Years War

  • Period: 1400 to 1445

    Civic Humanism in Florence

  • Period: 1412 to 1431

    Joan of Arc

  • Oct 25, 1415

    The Battle of Agincourt

  • 1424

    Masaccio's Frescoes in Florence

  • 1434

    Rule of Cosimo De Medici

  • 1440

    Invention of Printing with Moveable Type

  • Period: May 22, 1455 to Aug 22, 1485

    War of The Roses

  • 1469

    Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella

  • 1472

    Dante Divine Comedy

  • 1527

    Sack of Rome

  • 1528

    The Book of the Courtier

  • 1532

    Machiavelli's The Prince