AP European History Timeline

  • Apr 30, 1453

    Prting Press

    Johannes Guttenburg
  • Apr 30, 1453

    100 Year War Ends

    War between England and France
  • May 29, 1453

    Istanbul Not Constantinople

    Ottoman Turks take control, becomes capital of Ottoman Empire
  • Apr 30, 1492

    1492 Columbus Sails the Ocean Blue

    ...And spread disease and killed a lot of people.
  • Apr 30, 1521

    Diet of Worms

    Martin Luther doesn't take anything back.
  • Apr 30, 1521

    1st Hapsburg Valois Wars

    Italian Wars
  • Spanish Armada

    Spanish Armada
    from LJ
  • Peace Of Westphalia

    Ends 30 years war in Holy Roman Empire
  • English Civil War

    Round heads, round heads... Keep the music downheads
  • Glorious Revolution

    Overthrow King James II
  • Locke

    He is living in this time... Life, liberty, and property and all that jazz.
  • War of Spanish Succession

  • French Revolution

  • Battle of Waterloo

    Duke of Wellington kicks Napoleon's butt.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Special K has an idea,
  • Revolutions across Europe

  • Italian and German Unification

  • World War 1

    The war that was supposed to end all wars. DO NOT watch the WW1 rap battle by BBC on YouTube.
  • World War 2

  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • 1994 European Union
