
AP Euro sm. 1 Extra Credit

  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to


  • Nov 30, 1454

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    In the 12th century the Arabians introduced the Printing Press to Europe. The Printing Press was able to make books or newspapers mechanically, and reduced the time it took to deliver a message. Once there the Printing Press made a huge impact on everyday life. Books could be made more accessible, which lowered the illiteracy rate, and it also made propaganda possible in the 16th century.
  • Nov 30, 1473


    Studied Chruch law, and Astonomy and pefered the idea of a Helocentric universe. DId not publish On The Revelutions of the HEavenly Shyres until 1543. When he did not many beleived him, until a meteorite came racing across the sky and passed the "impenetrable" shyres. Left with a whole new and different idea on the universe, along with wonder beyond this world.
  • Nov 30, 1474

    Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

    Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain
    Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile united their kingdoms by marrage. They created a very united country and a strong infrantry, the best in Europe at the time. Isabella and Ferdinand reconized the power of the Church and had a strict religious informality. Made the pope inforce the Spanish Inquizition, and make Spain a Catholic country, and united as one.
  • Nov 30, 1492

    1st voyage of Columbus

    1st voyage of Columbus
    Christopher Columbus was a navigator and an admiral for Spain. HIs 1st voyage led to the "discoverment" of the Americas. Due to the discoverment Spain became rich, not to the promise of gold, but due to capturing and conquering the Incas and the Aztecs in the southern part of the Americas
  • Nov 30, 1517

    Luther's 95 Theses

    Luther's 95 Theses
    Written by Martin Luther, The Ninety-Five Theses was a directly criticizing the common church. especially the Church selling Indulgences to raise funds for the church. He thought that it was against both biblical teaching and Roman Catholic doctrine.
  • Nov 30, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    In The Holy Roman Empire, the Prince of the land were to determine whether Lutheranism or Roman Catholicism was to prevail in his lands. You could move freely from city to city and practice your religion openly in some cities.
  • Nov 30, 1559

    Act of Supremacy

    Act of Supremacy
    King Henry Vlll of England declared that was the supreme leader, and the only supreme leader with the Act of Supremacy. The king now ruled the English Church, and even all its matters of doctrine, clerical appointments, and discipline. He did this so that no one could deny him of his right as king, and guaranteed himself with the Treason Act.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    In England, James l ruled in a Catholic country. Because James was a Protestant the people did not want to risk a Catholic heir to the throne. So the prominate English-Nobles invited William lll of Orange to invade England and take James' place. Success!
  • 30 Years War

    30 Years War
    A war between Protestants and Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire, but soon expanding to invole other countries and their allies. The war started because Spain wanted German territories, and the general confict of the Protestants and the Catholics.
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Peace of Westphalia
    A resolution of the 30 Years war between France, Spain, the Holy Roman Empire, and Sweeden. Although Spain and France continued to fight with eachother after the treatie.
  • War of the Spanish Succession

    War of the Spanish Succession
    A war over the Spanish throne. Charels ll died without an heir, so he left the throne to Louis XlV, but Philip V of Spain said war was to happen in order to maintain the balance of power. Lasted for 11 years, until the Peace of Utrect was signed.
  • Peace of Utrecht

    Peace of Utrecht
    Ended the war of The Spanish Succession along with the Rastatt. Made Philip V king of Spain. Spanish Netherlands, Milan, and Naples were given to Austria. England gained Gibraltar, along with French possetions in the colonial US. Enlgand now became a formidable navy force.
  • Maria Theresa of Austria

    Maria Theresa of Austria
    A remarkable old fashoned Absolutist, she limtied the Papacy's political infuence, strengthened central Bureaucracy, and finally redced the Nolbes lands to agriculture. Emerged from the Austrian Succession and introduced many new reforms to make the state stronger and more efficient.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    With King Louis XVI's resentment, along with Enlightenment ideals, fueled radical sentiments and launched the Revolution. In which a republic was created along with the idea of nationalism and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. Left with a modern view on society and a beginning of a new era.
  • Napoleon's Downfall

    Napoleon's Downfall
    When Napoleon's Continental System backfired, England was able to produce cheeper and more effiecient products. Napoleon blamed Russia, and launched a war against them on their lands. He retreated after watching Moscow burn, into the cold and unforgiving winter. He abandoned the Army and raised another, while Austria, Britain, Russia, Prussia, and Sweden gained to fight France. The allies restored the Bourbon dynasty to the French throne. and exiled Napoleon on Elba to rule alone.