Period: 1277 to 1337
Work of Giotto
- This is just Giotto's Birth-Death -
Ordinances of Justice
A new constitution that says Florence's government will be a republic government controlled by 7 major guilds representing the wealthy, executive power given to the signoria, and bearer of justice called the golfaloniere -
Period: 1294 to 1303
Pope Boniface VIII
Pope who wrote the Unam Sanctum (the strongest statement ever written by a pope to say that religious authority is over temporal) -
Closing of the Great Council
Wealthy merchant families in Florence took control of the constitution and closed the Great Council (source of all political power) to all but members of 200 families; these families dominated the government -
Nov 18, 1302
Pope Boniface VII issues the Unam Sanctum
Period: 1305 to 1377
Papacy at Avignon
"During the Avignon papacy the cardinals began to play a stronger role in church government, church and clergy were reformed, missionary efforts were expanded, and popes tried to settle royal rivalries and establish peace." (Britannica) -
Period: 1308 to 1321
Dante's Divine Comedy
Visconti establishes themselves as rulers of Milan
Visconti is a wealthy family in Milan -
Period: 1327 to 1377
Edward III
Period: 1328 to 1350
Philip VI
Outbreak of Hostilities
Start of Hundred Years' War -
Period: 1337 to 1453
Hundred Years' War (including the truce)
Aug 26, 1346
Battle of Crecy
Where English destroyed French with their longbows -
Period: 1347 to 1351
Black Death in Europe
Period: 1348 to 1364
Giovanni di Dondi's Clock
Period: 1350 to 1364
John II
Golden Bull of Charles IV Issued
- German Monarchy
- Basically says that certain people have the legal power to elect the future Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and leader of the Christian People
Sep 19, 1356
Battle of Poitiers/John II is captured
Battle that ended the first phase of the Hundred Years' War and where John II (the French king) was captured -
Crushing of the Jacquerie and Etienne Marcel
The Jacquerie was a French peasant revolt that was brutal (castles burned, nobles murdered) Etienne Marcel was a French provost that tried to get the Estates-General (French parliament but wasn't as important as the English parliament at the time) more rights/power -
Peace of Bretigny
Treaty where the French agreed to pay a ransom for the kidnapped king, the English territory of Gascony was enlarged, and that the King of England would not fight to be the heir of the French throne anymore if the French King agreed to give up control of English lands in France -
Period: 1364 to 1380
Charles V
Period: 1377 to 1399
Richard II
Jan 17, 1377
Pope Gregory XI returns to Rome
Jun 21, 1377
Death of Edward III
After his death, England began to experience instability of aristocratic factionalism (basically--I think that there was a split in the aristocratic class due to differing opinions) -
Period: 1378 to 1417
Great Schism of 1378
Started: 1378
Ended: 1417 This happened because there were two popes claiming authority of the Catholic Church (a Frenchman vs Italian Archbishop); caused split between the church/supporters of the church and people were confused on who to follow -
Period: Apr 8, 1378 to 1389
Pope Urban VI
The second pope (who stayed in Rome/the Italian archbishop) which started the Great Schism -
Period: 1380 to 1422
Charles VI
English Peasant's Revolt (of 1381)
Period: 1387 to 1400
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Giangaleazzo Visconti Purchases Title of Duke
Purchased the title from the Emperor -
Period: 1396 to 1415
20 Year Truce
Twenty year truce in the Hundred Years' War (started in 1396, ending in 1415 when Henry V renewed it) -
Period: 1399 to 1413
Henry IV
Failure of Council of Pisa to end Schism; Alexander V as 3rd pope
The Council of Pisa failed to end the Great Schism and elected a 3rd pope causing more confusion -
Period: 1414 to 1418
Council of Constance
A council that met in Constance and resolved the Great Schism -
Henry V renews the Hundred Years' War
The English King renews the war during a period of time when the French were dealing with civil wars -
Oct 25, 1415
Battle of Agincourt
The English destroyed the French despite having a number disadvantage -
End of Great Schism; Election of Pope Martin V
May 21, 1420
Treaty of Troyes
Says the Henry V (King of England) will marry Catherine (daughter of the King of France) and he will be recognized as the heir to the French throne -
Period: 1429 to 1431
French Recovery Under Joan of Arc
End of War
The French won