ap euro

  • Period: 1350 to 1527

    Italian Renaissance

    • italian renaissance: 1350-1527:
      • humanism, secularism, hermeticism, realism
      • machiavelli, da vinci, michelangelo, medici
      • printing press
      • religious art: realism, mannerism: elongated+contorted
        • human anatomy, symmetry, perspective, ideal renaissance man
  • Period: 1450 to 1580

    Northern Renaissance

    • northern renaissance:
      • humanists focused more on religion
      • oil painting, details, mathematics
  • 1492


    Rejected by the Portuguese, Columbus sails to the New World with Spanish aid.
  • Period: 1494 to 1559

    Habsburg-Valois Wars

    Charles VIII of France and Ferdinand of Spain both want to claim Italian Naples. This began a series of wars.
  • Period: 1517 to


    Lutheranism: salvation through faith only, not necessarily actions. Luther published the 95 Theses condemning clerical use of indulgences.
    Calvinism: similar to Lutheranism and emphasized predestination
    Zwinglian: similar to Lutheranism and Calvinism
    Anabaptists: nobody should be forced into Christianity, adult baptism
    - german princes could decide religion of state
    - anglican church ruled by monarchy
  • 1524

    German Peasants' Revolt

    Peasants revolted for agrarian freedoms and less oppression from nobles and were inspired by the Protestant Reformation. However, Luther supported the nobles rather than the peasants because he needed noble support to spread Lutheran ideas.
  • 1534

    English Reformation

    English Reformation
    King Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife, but the Roman Catholic church did not approve of this, so he separated the Church of England from the Catholic Church. This established the Protestant Anglican Church under the rule of the English monarch. Bloody Mary inherited the throne and tried to restore Catholicism. Later, Elizabeth established the Act of Supremacy and Act of Uniformity for rule over church and an altered Protestant religion to be official religion of England.
  • 1540

    Creation of the Society of Jesus

    Pope Paul III creates the jesuits led by Ignatius Loyola. They emphasized iron discipline and absolute obedience. They spread christianity into americas and asia
  • Period: 1543 to

    Scientific Revolution

    Many new astronomers such as Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton encouraged the heliocentric models and disproved of the heavenly spheres.
    Hermeticism allowed for a transition from mathematical magic and religion to scientific discoveries.
    Discoveries in chemistry and biology such as Paracelsus' discovery of disease caused by chemicals or blood circulation by William Harvey disproved of Galen's ideas.
    new tech: microscope, thermometer, barometer
    useful tech: telescope
  • 1545

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    Revitalized Catholic church by establishing clear guidelines as to what was heretical. Established seven sacraments and clear interpretations of Scripture. Condemned Protestantism
  • 1546

    Schmalkaldic Wars

    Charles V and the Schmalkaldic League formed by the Lutheran German princes have a civil war, tearing Germany apart. Ended with the Peace of Augsburg
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    agreement between Charles V (HRE) and Schmalkaldic League that the princes of the Holy Roman Empire could choose religion of principality (Lutheran or Catholic). It failed because it did not recognize calvinism and the failure led to the Thirty Years' War.
  • 1566

    Revolt of the Netherlands

  • 1572

    Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    Catherine de Medici and Catholics killed thousands of Huguenots at Henry of Navarre and Margaret of Valois's marriage
  • Period: 1575 to

    Dutch Golden Age

    Netherlands independence of spain by treaty of westphalia
    People escaped from Spanish and French after religious
    Oversea trade: spice trade with indonesia, trading companies with military forces and by mid 17th, center of commerce, canals
    Nobles in government could manage economy well
    Commodities, many ppl started to have books and education
    Navigation Act of 1651: only english ships could sell in england, mercantilism
    Rise of english bc centralized government, decline of DGA
  • Period: to

    War of Three Henrys

    Henry of Navarre (huguenot) and King Henry III teamed up against the ultra catholics and Henry of Guise. Henry of Guise was defeated and King Henry III killed by a monk, so Henry of Navarre(converted to catholicism) becomes Henry IV and establishes Edict of Nantes.
  • Spanish Armada

    The spanish armada was sent with troops to England with the goal of a Spanish invasion of England. The Spanish saw England as a threat to their international trade and thus attacked to protect their interests of expansion. The defeat of the Spanish Armada ensured a protestant England and established England under Elizabeth as a world power.
  • Edict of Nantes

    granted rights to Huguenots in Catholic France to promote civil unity
  • Dutch East India Company

    The VOC focused on exploration, trade, and colonization. Encouraged spice trade. The strong dutch economy ensured that the company would have the funds and resources necessary. However, its influence began to fade after the colonies were given to the British to prevent French takeover.
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years' War

    Bohemian Phase: started with defenestration of Prague, end: Ferdinand II defeated bohemian princes
    Danish Phase: Denmark was Lutheran state, so wanted to help German princes, but failed. Ferdinand issues Edict of Restitution: conversion back to Catholicism
    Swedish Phase: Gustavus Adolphus swept through northern Germany, but failed to reach southern, which would stay catholic.
    Franco-Swedish Phase: French entered for balance of power: less religious significance
    ended by Treaty of Westphalia
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    Charles I thought he ruled as a divine right monarch. Supported by the Royalists against Cromwell and the New Model Army (Parliamentarians), Charles was defeated and executed, and the Commonwealth republic was established
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV

    Louis XIV established an absolute monarchy with "one king, one law, one faith." He controlled nearly all of government policies because of the court of Versailles where he kept powerful nobles and other people who threatened his power busy with court life and those actually in power were those that were completely loyal to him. He issued the Edict of Fontainebleau which revoked the Edict of Nantes. his foreign policy was a relative failure excluding the war of Spanish Succession
    financial debt
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Peace of Westphalia
    Spanish lost possession of Netherlands
    Broken Holy Roman Empire, German princes could determine religion
    Ended religious wars
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great

    Peter the Great westernized the "backward" Russia in order to create an army and navy to make Russia a great power. He also centralized government into a western model of a Senate. He raised a national army, navy, and westernized fashion with the shaving of Boyar beards and cutting of coats.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    Protestant WIlliam of Orange and Mary replace Catholic James II as monarchs of England, ridding of the last English divine right monarch. Parliament could now limit the power of the monarch and the constitution and laws restrict the monarchy.
  • Period: to


    Period of human rational thought, social rights and contracts, and natural rights
    Hobbes: humans born bad, need absolutism
    Locke: life, liberty, property: fundamentals of liberalism
    Voltaire: complete religious toleration
    Montesquieu: separation of powers
    Diderot: between absolutism and liberalism, atheism
    Salons used to spread ideas: could reach more people
  • Period: to

    War of Spanish Succession

    King Charles II was heirless, and the throne was supposed to go to Philip V of France, merging Spain and France. England, the HRE, Great Britain, Prussia, and the Dutch Republic all fought but lost to France. The war was ended by the Treaty of Utrecht, agreeing for Philip V to ascend the Spanish throne given that he gives up the French throne.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    Philip V could inherit spanish throne as long as France and Spain were not united, England gained many colonial lands
    Austria gained the Netherlands and parts of Italy
  • Period: to

    Frederick II the Great

    enlightened ruler who restricted use of torture, granted some freedom of speech and press and complete religious toleration
  • Period: to

    War of Austrian Succession

    Charles VI didn't have a male heir and spent a majority of his life creating the Pragmatic Sanction, saying that other empires wouldn't attack Austria after Maria Theresa inherits the throne. Prussia broke this as soon as she came to power. France joins on the side of Austria and Britain supported Prussia. The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ended this war in which all land was restored to the original owners with the exception of the Austrian Silesia, which stayed property of Prussia.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years' War

    Fighting over Silesia, Maria Theresa and Frederick II declared war on each other and Britain once again supported Prussia and France and Russia, Austria. This escalated to a war between Britain and France in the American colonies aka the French and Indian War. The Anglo-French struggle extended to India where France fought for the British indian colonies, but Britain kept its colonies and the war ended by the Treaty of Paris. Britain emerged as the great maritime power.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    Causes: agricultural revolution
    Technology: steam engine, iron, coal, textiles
    -social: poor living conditions in urban areas, population boom, creation of new industrial middle class. Family life became a nuclear family rather than extensive, less leisure for children
    -economic: rise of capitalism
    -political: rise of marxist ideas and labor unions
  • Period: to

    Joseph II

    abolished serfdom, equality of all before law
    tried to give peasants hereditary rights and complete religious toleration
    alienated nobility
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    Estates General comprised of three estates, Third Estate created National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath, legislative assembly with restriction of Louis xvi, national convention
    Women's March to Versailles, storming of Bastille
    Rise of Committee of Public Health and Safety and National Convention: rise of Robespierre and Jacobins
    Louis XVI executed
    Reign of Terror: mass purging of "enemies of Revolution," ended with the execution of Robespierre
    results: no feudalism, civi rights, bourgeoisie
  • Period: to

    Age of Napoleon

    Napoleon came to power after military successes and appealed to the workers class by guaranteeing more rights. He staged a coup in 1799 and overthrew the provisional government and crowned himself first consul in 1804
    He engaged in a series of Napoleonic wars in which he gained much land, but fell bc couldn't defeat Russia, and lost again in Waterloo 1815.
    He ruled largely through despotism because of the size of his empire
  • Period: to

    Concert of Europe/ Congress of Vienna/ Age of Metternich

    Quadruple alliance: GB, Russia, Austria, Prussia (later france) created the Concert of Europe under Metternich to maintain a balance of power. Metternich followed the principle of legitimacy and principle of intervention and brought upon an age of conservatism.
  • July Revolution

    King Charles X issued the July Ordinances, restricting press and largely reduced the franchise. The bourgeoisie staged an uprising and replaced Charles X with Louis-Philipe who favored the bourgeoisie at the expense of the working classes.
  • Revolutions of 1848

    France: Louis Philipe is overthrown and replaced with a provisional government, and later, with Louis Napoleon.
    Germany: Frederick William IV and the Frankfurt Assembly make a failed attempt to unify Germany
    Austria: Metternich is dismissed by Francis Joseph and Hungary attempts a failed revolution
  • Period: to

    Second Industrial Revolution

    Germany, France, and US pulled ahead of GB because GB still stuck with technology and inventions of first industrial revolution
    second industrial revolution more focused on steel, railroads, oil, chemicals, and electricity.
  • Period: to

    Rise of Imperialism

    Causes: social darwinism, white man's burden, economic imperialism to gain profit
    - social darwinists: superior nations are victorious in struggle between nations: show domination
    - economic reason: not very effective bc colonies' profits rarely ever paid out costs
    epistemicide, destruction of culture
    most of Africa and Asia were under full imperial control
    others were on brink of collapsing eg Ottoman and China
    Japan escaped through reforms to mimic western world
  • Period: to

    Second French Empire

    Napoleon III elected president, then majority of people voted to make French empire again. He had a successful domestic policy with the reconstruction of Paris and social welfare programs, but failed with his foreign policies. In the Crimean War, he lost Christian rights in the Ottoman Empire to Russia. The Second Empire fell after loss in the Franco-Prussian War.
  • Period: to

    Crimean War

    Russians attacked the Ottomans for rights to protect Christian shrines in Palestine which was given to France. France entered the war to protect their rights, and Britain entered the war to prevent Russia from becoming a naval threat. By the Treaty of Paris, Russia was forced to give up some of its land. The war resulted in Austria and Russia becoming enemies due to Austria's unwillingness to support Russia in the war.
  • Italian Unification

    Italian Unification
    Starting in 1848, with the help of Napoleon III, Cavour kicked out the Austrians in Italy and united Northern Italy. Garibaldi united southern Italy and gave the land to Cavour, not wanting a civil war. At the end of the Austro-Prussian War, Italy annexed Venetia and completed its unification.
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Prussia wanted to exclude Austria further from German affairs to create a unified Germany under Prussian rule. Austria's rule over Germany weakened, and Italy successfully annexed Venetia, completing the unification of the Italian state. The northern German states formed the North Germanic Confederation.
  • Ausgleich of 1867

    Austria establishes a dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary
  • Franco-Prussian War

    France was surrounded by countries led by the Hohenzollern dynasty, which posed as a threat to the throne. So, France and Prussia started a was which resulted in the collapse of the French Empire and a unified state of Germany.
  • Berlin Conference

    European powers discussed the partitioning of Africa and what to do with the natives
  • Bloody Sunday

    Workers wanted to protest their grievances against the tsar after the food shortages caused by the Russo-Japanese War.despite a peaceful protest, troops opened fire, inspiring a revolution.
  • Revolution of 1905 (russia)

    Because of Bloody Sunday, workers formed unions, zemstvos demanded parliamentary governments, and ethnic groups revolted. Nicholas II issued the October Manifesto granting civil liberties and the creation of the Duma, a legislative assembly elected by a broad franchise. However, he heavily curtailed the power of the Duma until it was virtually powerless.
  • Period: to

    World War I

    M.ilitarism: rise in technology, tactics, and military sizes, increased tensions
    A.lliances: if one side declared war, everybody would declare war
    N.ationalism: increased tensions between Austria and Serbia
    I.merpialism: increased international tensions
    A.ssasination of Archduke Ferdinand Francis
    schlieffen plan, trench warfare, total war, unrestricted submarine warfare
    treaty of versailles
    "lost generation", self determination, communism, rise in US
  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

    March Revolution: women and troops stand overthrow monarchy and establish provisional government at Petrograd
    Marxist Socialist Democratic Party split into Mensheviks and Bolsheviks led by Lenin
    April Theses: altered version of Marxist ideas
    Lenin gets approval of working class by appealing to universal suffrage and meeting basic needs
    Lenin stages coup in October Revolution and forcefully replaces provisional government with Communist Regime
  • Treaty of Versailles

    consisted of the war guilt clause blaming the world war on Germany and heavy reparations on Germany. It made Germany get rid of its air force, reduce the size of its army and navy, and give up some land.
  • Period: to

    Interwar Period

    Great Depression from US stock market crash
    High unemployment rates
    hyperinflation from monetary printing in Germany
    Rise of totalitarian states bc hopelessness in democratic governments, appeal to promise of fulfilling basic needs
  • Period: to

    Rise of Totalitarianism

    Italy: Mussolini comes to power through use of violence, which attracted war veterans. Victor Emmanuel III made Mussolini the prime minister and started his dictatorship in 1926. He instilled his ideas in youth so they grew up to like authoritarian states.
    Germany: Hitler comes to power in German National Socialist Democratic Party first, becomes chancellor under Hindenburg, then uses Enabling Act of 1933 to essentially have no restrictions
  • Period: to

    Rule of Stalin

    Five-Year Plans: focus on heavy industry and collectivize agriculture at expense of consumer goods
    full control of economy
    killed anybody who didn't agree with communist regime
  • Period: to

    World War II

    Hitler annexed Austria and Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. He invaded Poland 1939, to which France and Britain declared war on to try to prevent them from consuming resources. Hitler's goals were to create an aryan state, get rid of the reparations and restrictions from the Treaty of Versailles, and restore glory to Germany. They used blitzkrieg and luftwaffe to speedily attack, but couldn't defeat the royal air force or russian forces in stalingrad. conferences of tehran, yalta, and potsdam
  • Potsdam Conference

    US and USSR differences begin to emerge. US wanted eastern european states to go by self-determination, but USSR wanted states to be communist as buffer or satellite states. Both powers saw the others' actions as wanting to spread their own form of government
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • First Vietnam War

    First Vietnam War
    French forces against Communist forces of Ho Chi Min
    ended with the split of Vietnam: northern was communist, southern was anti-communist in 1954
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    US wanted to contain communism and prevent domino theory
    Split along the 38th parallel, north was communist republic, south was non-communist
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    SU sends missiles to Cuba, extremely close to the US border. The US with missiles in Turkey, begins a standoff with SU with the idea of mutually assured deterrence. (Kennedy vs Khrushchev)
  • Second Vietnam War

    Johnson sends troops back into Vietnam to stop north Vietnam from spreading communism to south. This sparked anti war sentiments everywhere and Nixon pulled the troops back out later. Vietnam becomes fully communist.
  • Velvet Revolution

    Czechoslovakia stages a nonviolent revolt to overthrow the communist regime and re-establishes a democracy with Havel as president
  • Fall of Soviet Union

    Gorbachev gets arrested for not siding with either side of the extremists. States gradually start declaring independence eg Russia and Boris Yeltsin