The New Imperialism: Africa - Great Trek of the Boers
Period: to
National States at Midcentury - Great Britain - Queen Victoria
New Imperialism: Asia - Brittian obtains hong kong trading rights from chinese government
National States at Midcentury - France - Louis Napoleon is elected president
Period: to
National States of Europe - Austria-Hungary - Emperor Francis Joseph
Period: to
The Unification of Italy - Victor Emanuel II
New Imperialism: Asia - Australian colonies recieve self government
National States at Midcentury - France - Coup d' etat by Louis Napoleon
The Unification of Italy - Count Cavour becomes prime minister of Piedmont
National States at Midcentury - France - Creation of the Second Empire
Period: to
National States at Midcentury - France - Emperor Napoleon III
Period: to
National States at Midcentury - France - Emperor Napoleon III - "Authoritarian empire"
Period: to
New Imperialism: Asia - Mission of Commodore Perry to Japan
National States at Midcentury - United States - Kansas-Nebraska act
Period: to
National States at Midcentury - France - Emperor Napoleon III - Crimean war
Period: to
National States at Midcentury - Russia - Tsar Alexander II
Period: to
National States at Midcentury - Great Britain - Ministry of Palmerston
National States at Midcentury - France - Emperor Napoleon III - Treaty of Paris
Period: to
New Imperialism: Asia - Rebellion of seppoys in India
The Unification of Italy - Agreement with Napoleon III
New Imperialism: Asia - French occupy Saigon
The Unification of Italy - Austrian War
National States at Midcentury - Austrian Empire - Establishment of imperial parliament
The Unification of Italy - Plebiscites in the northern Italian States
The Unification of Italy - Garibaldi;s invasion of the kingdom of the Two Sicilies
National States at Midcentury - United States - Election of Lincoln and secession of South Carolina
Period: to
National States at Midcentury - France - Emperor Napoleon III - "Liberal empire"
The Unification of Italy - Kingdom of Italy is proclaimed
National States at Midcentury - United States - Outbreak of Civil War
Period: to
The Unification of Germany - King William I of Prussia
National States at Midcentury - Russia - Tsar Alexander II - Emancipation edict
The Unification of Germany - Bismarck becomes minister-president of Prussia
The Unification of Germany - Bismarck becomes minister-president of Prussia
The Unification of Germany - Danish War
National States at Midcentury - Russia - Tsar Alexander II - Creation of zemstvos and legal reforms
National States at Midcentury - United States - Surrender of Lee
The Unification of Italy - Italy's annexation of Venetia
The Unification of Germany - Austro-Prussian War
The Unification of Germany - Austro-Prussian War - Battle of Keonniggreatz
National States at Midcentury - Austrian Empire - Augleich, Dual Monarchy
National States at Midcentury - Great Britain - Reform Act
National States at Midcentury - Canada - Formation of the Dominion of Canada
New Imperialism: Asia - verthrow of the Japanese Shogun
Period: to
New Imperialism: Asia - Emporor Mutsuhito and the Meiji Restoration
Period: to
National States at Midcentury - Great Britain - First Liberal ministry of William Gladstone
The New Imperialism: Africa - Opening of the Suez Canal
The Unification of Italy - Italy's annexation of Rome
Period: to
The Unification of Germany - Franco-Prussian War
The Unification of Germany - Franco-Prussian War - Battle of Sedan
Period: to
National States of Europe - germany - Bismark as chancellor
The Unification of Germany - German Empire is proclaimed
The Unification of Germany - Franco-Prussian War - Fall of Paris
National States of Europe - France - Surrender of French provisional government to Germany
Period: to
National States of Europe - France - Paris Commune
European Diplomacy-Three Emperors' League
Period: to
National States of Europe - Spain - King Alfonso XII
National States of Europe - France - Republican constitution (Third Republic)
National States of Europe - Spain - King Alfonso XII - New constitution
The New Imperialism: Africa - Leopold of Belgium establishes settlemens in the Congo
European Diplomacy-Serbia and Montenegro attack the Ottoman Empire
New Imperialism: Asia - Queen Victoria is made Emperess of India
The New Imperialism: Africa - British seizure of Transvaal
National States of Europe - germany - Antisocialist law
European Diplomacy-Treaty of San Stefano
European Diplomacy-Congress of Berlin
The New Imperialism: Africa - French conquest of Algeria
Period: to
National States of Europe - Austria-Hungary - Count Edward von Taaffe as prime minister
European Diplomacy-Defensive Alliance: Germany and Austria
Period: to
National States of Europe
Period: to
National States of Europe - Great Britain - Second ministry of William Gladstone
Period: to
National States of Europe - Russia
New Imperialism: Asia - Russians in Central
The New Imperialism: Africa - British expeditionary force in Egypt
European Diplomacy-Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria, and Italy
Period: to
National States of Europe - germany - Social welfare legislation
New Imperialism: Asia - Formation o fthe Indian National Congress
National States of Europe - Great Britain - Reform Act
European Diplomacy-Reinsurance Treaty: Germany and Russia
Period: to
Politics - Reign of Emperor William II
National States of Europe - France - Boulanger is discredited
Period: to
Period: to
Politics - Reign of Tsar Nicholas II
European Diplomacy-Military Alliance: Russia and France
Period: to
New Imperialism: Asia - japanese Defeat of China
Period: to
Politics - Dreyfus affair in France
Politics - Theodor Herzl, The Jewish State
The New Imperialism: Africa - ethiopians defeat the Italians
Period: to
Politics - Austrian Christian Socialists under Karl Lueger
Politics - First congress of Social Democratic Party in Russia
The New Imperialism: Africa - Battle of Omurdan in the Sudan
New Imperialism: Asia - Spanish American War -- America annexes Philipenes
Period: to
The New Imperialism: Africa - Boer War
New Imperialism: Asia - Open Door policy in China
Politics - Beginning of the Progrssive Era in the United States
Politics - Formation of Labout Party in Britain
Period: to
New Imperialism: Asia - Boxer Rebellion in China
New Imperialism: Asia - Commenwealth of Australia
Politics - Pankhursts establish Women's social and Political Union
Period: to
Politics - Ministries of Giovanni Giolitti in Italy
Period: to
Politics - Russo-Japanese war
Politics - Revolution in Russia
European Diplomacy-Triple Entente: France, Britain, and Russia
New Imperialism: Asia - Commonwealth of New Zealand
New Imperialism: Asia - Russian-Brittish agreement over Afghanistan and Persia
The New Imperialism: Africa - Union of South Africa
New Imperialism: Asia - Japan annexes Korea
Politics - National Insurgence Act in Britain
The New Imperialism: Africa - Italians seize Tripoli
World War I - Armistice between Allies and Germany
Politics - Universal male suffrage in Italy
Politics - Social Democratic Party becomes largest party in Germany
The New Imperialism: Africa - French protectorate over Morocco
European Diplomacy-First Balkan War
New Imperialism: Asia - Overthrow of the Manchu Dynasty in China
European Diplomacy-Second Balkan War
The Road to World War I-Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
The Road to World War I-Austria's ultimatum to Serbia
The Road to World War I-Austria Declares War on Serbia
The Road to World War I-Russia Mobilizes
The Road to World War I-Germany's Ultimatum to Russia
The Road to World War I-Germany Declares War on Russia
The Road to World War I-Germany Declares War on France
The Road to World War I-German Troops Invade Belgium
The Road to World War I-Great Britain Declares War on Germany
World War I - Battle of Tannenburg
World War I - First Battle of the Marne
World War I - Battle of Masurian Lakes
World War I - France, Great Britain, and Russia declare war on Ottoman Empire
World War I - Battle of Gallipoli begins
World War I - Italy declares war on Austria Hungary
World War II - Battle of Verdun
World War I - Battle of Jutland
Period: to
World War I - Somme offensive
World War I - Entry of Bulgaria into the war
World War I - Germany returns to unrestricted submarine warfare
The Russian Revolution-March of Women in Petrograd
The Russian Revolution-General Strike in Petrograd
The Russian Revolution-Establishment of Provisional Government
The Russian Revolution-Tsar Abdicates
The Russian Revolution-Formation of Petrograd Soviet
The Russian Revolution-Lenin Arrives in Russia
World War I - United States enters the war
Period: to
World War I - Champagne offesnive
The Russian Revolution-Lenin's "April Theses"
The Russian Revolution-Failed Attempt to overthrow Provisional Government
The Russian Revolution-Bolsheviks gain majority in petrograd Soviet
The Russian Revolution-Bolsheviks overthrow provisional government
The Russian Revolution-Lenin Disbands Constituent Assembly
The Russian Revolution-The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Period: to
World War I - Last German Offensive
The Russian Revolution-Russian Civil War Begins
World War I - Second Battle of the Marne
Period: to
World War I - Allied Counteroffensive
Fascist Italy - Creation of Fascio di Combattimento
World War I - Paris Peace Confrence Begins
Period: to
Nazi Germany - Hitler as Munich Politician
World War I - Peace of Versailles
Period: to
Fascist Italy - Squadristi Violence
Fascist Italy - Fascists win 35 seats in Parliament
The Soviet Union - The New Economic Policy Begins
The Russian Revolution-Russian Civil War Ends
Fascist Italy - Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
Fascist Italy - Acerbo Law
The Authoritarian States - Eastern Europe - Military coup d'etat establishes Authoritarian regime in Bulgaria
Nazi Germany - Beer Hall Putsch
Period: to
The Authoritarian States - Spain - Dictatorship of Primo de Rivara
Fascist Italy - Electoral victory for Fascists
The Soviet Union - Lenin Dies
The Democratic States - Great Britain - First Labour Party government
Period: to
The Democratic States - Great Britain - Conservative Party government
Period: to
The Democratic States-France-Cartel of the Left
Period: to
Fascist Italy - Establishment of Fascist Dictatorship
The Democratic States - Great Britain - General Strike
The Authoritarian States - Eastern Europe - Pilsudski creates military dictatorship in Poland
Period: to
The Democratic States-France-Poincare's Government
The Soviet Union - Trotsky is Expelled from the Communist
The Soviet Union - First Five year Plan begins
Period: to
The Democratic States - Great Britain - Second Labour Party government
Fascist Italy - Laterin Accords with Catholic Church
The Authoritarian States - Eastern Europe - Alexander I creates royal dictatorship in Yugoslavia
Nazi Germany - Nazi Germany wins 107 Riechstag
The Democratic States - Great Britain - Beginning of National Government coalition
The Authoritarian States - Spain - Creation of the Spanish Republic
Prelude to War - Japan seizes Manchuria
The Authoritarian States - Eastern Europe - Gombos is made prinme minister in Hungary
The Democratic States-United States-Election of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Period: to
Prelude to War
Prelude to War - Hitler becomes Chancellor
Nazi Germany - Hitler is made Chancelor
Nazi Germany - Reichstag Fire
Nazi Germany - Enabling Act
The Democratic States-United States-Beginning of the New Deal
Nazi Germany - Purge of the SA
Nazi Germany - Hindenburg dies; Hitler as sole Ruler
Nazi Germany - Neuremburg Trials
Prelude to War - Hitler announces a German air force
Prelude to War - Hitler announces a military conscription
The Democratic States-United States-Second New Deal
Prelude to War - Anglo-German Naval Pact
Prelude to War - Mussolini invades Ethiopia
Prelude to War - Mussolini and Hitler intervene in the Spanish Civil War
Period: to
The Soviet Union - Height of Stalin's Purges
Prelude to War - Hitler occupies demilitarized Rhineland
The Authoritarian States - Eastern Europe - Dictatorship of General Mextas in Greece
The Democratic States-France-Formation of the Popular Front
Period: to
The Authoritarian States - Spain - Spanish Cival War
Prelude to War - Rome-Berlin Axis
Prelude to War - Anti-Comintern Pact (Japan and Germany)
Prelude to War - Japan invades China
Prelude to War - Germany annexes Austria
The Authoritarian States - Eastern Europe - Carol II crushes Iron Guard and imposes authoritarian rule in Romania
Prelude to War - Munich Conference: Germany occupies Sudetenland
Nazi Germany - Krisallnacht
Prelude to War - Germany occupies the rest of Czechoslovakia
Period: to
The Authoritarian States - Spain - Dictatorship of Franco
Prelude to War - German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
Prelude to War - Germany invades Poland
Prelude to War - Britain and France declare war on Germany
Prelude to War - Soviet Union invades Poland
World War II - Germany and the Soviet Union divide Poland
World War II - Blitzkrieg against Denmark and Norway
World War II - Churchill becomes British prime minister
World War II - Blitzkrieg against Belgium, Netherlands, and France
World War II - France surrenders
World War II - Battle of Britain
World War II - Nazi seizure of Yugoslavia and Greece
World War II - Germany invades the Soviet Union
World War II - Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
World War II - Battle of the Coral Sea
World War II - Battle of Midway Island
World War II - Allied invasion of North Africa
World War II - Soviets win Battle of Stalingrad
World War II - Axis forces surrender in North Africa
World War II - Battle of Kursk
World War II - Invasion of mainland Italy
World War II - Allied invasion of France
World War II - Hitler commits suicide
World War II - Germany surrenders
World War II - Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
World War II - Japan surrenders
Western Europe after the war - Wellfare state emerges in Great Britain
Western Europe after the war - Italy becomes a democratic republic
The Cold War to 1962 - Truman Doctrine
The Cold War to 1962 - European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan)
The Cold War to 1962 - Berlin blockade
Western Europe after the war - Alcide de Gasperi become prime minister of England
The Cold War to 1962 - Formation of COMECON
The Cold War to 1962 - Formation of NATO
Western Eurpoe after the War - Konrad Adenauer becomes chancellor of western germany
The Cold War to 1962 - Communists win civil war in China
The Cold War to 1962 - Soviet Union explodes first atomic bomb
The Cold War to 1962 - Korean War
Western Eurpoe after the War - Formation of European Coal and Steel community
The Soviet Union and Satellite States in Eastern Europe - Death of Stalin
The Cold War to 1962 - End of First Vietnam War
Western Eurpoe after the War - West Germany join NATO
The Cold War to 1962 - Formation of Warsaw Pact
Western Eurpoe after the War - Suez Crisis
The Soviet Union and Satellite States in Eastern Europe - Khruschev's denunciation of Stalin
The Soviet Union and Satellite States in Eastern Europe - Attempt at reforms in Poland
The Soviet Union and Satellite States in Eastern Europe - Hungarian revolt is crushed
Western Eurpoe after the War - Formation of EUROTOM
Western Eurpoe after the War - Formation of European Economic Community (common market)
Western Eurpoe after the War - Charles de Gaulle assumes control of France
The Cold War to 1962 - Berlin Crisis
The Cold War to 1962 - Vienna summit
The Soviet Union and Satellite States in Eastern Europe - Berlin Wall is built
The Cold War to 1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis
Western Eurpoe after the War - Erhard becomes chancellor of Germany
The Soviet Union and Satellite States in Eastern Europe - Brezhnev replaces Khruschev
Period: to
The Soviet Bloc - Era of Brezhnev
Period: to
The Soviet Bloc - Rule of Ceaussescu in Romania
Period: to
Western Europe 1965-1985
The Soviet Bloc -Prague Spring
Western Europe - William Brandt becomes chancellor of western Germany
The Soviet Bloc -Honecker succeeds Ulbricht in East Germany
Western Europe - Helmut Schmidt becomes Chancellor of West Germany
Western Europe - Margert Thatcher becomes Prime Minister of Great Britian
The Soviet Bloc - Emergence of Solidarity in Poland
Western Europe - Francois Mitterand becomes president of France
Western Europe - Faulklands war
Western Europe - Helmut Khol becomes Chancellor of West Germany
The Soviet Bloc - Gorbechev comes into power in the Soviet Union
Western Europe Since 1985 - Gerhard Schroder becomes chancelor of Germany
The Fall of the Soviet Bloc - Collaspe of Communist government in Czechoslovakia
The Fall of the Soviet Bloc - Collaspe of East German government
The Fall of the Soviet Bloc - Execution of Ceaussescu in Romania
The Fall of the Soviet Bloc - Lithuania declare independence
The Fall of the Soviet Bloc - East German elections-victory of Christian Democrats
Western Europe Since 1985 - First all German Federal election
The Fall of the Soviet Bloc - Reunification of Germany
The Fall of the Soviet Bloc - Walesa becomes president of Poland
The Fall of the Soviet Bloc - Yeltsin becomes president of Russia
The Fall of the Soviet Bloc - Solvenia and Croatia delcare independence
The Fall of the Soviet Bloc - Ring-wing coup in the Soviet Union
The Fall of the Soviet Bloc - Dissolution of the soviet union
Western Europe Since 1985 - Victory of Conservative party under John Major in Britain
Western Europe Since 1985 - Conservative victory in France
Western Europe Since 1985 - Creation of the European Union
Western Europe Since 1985 - Jacques Chirac become president of France
Election of Tony Blair in Britain
Western Europe Since 1985 - Reelection of Chirac
Western Europe Since 1985 - Angela Merkel becomes Chancellor of Germany
Western Europe Since 1985 - Romano Prodi becomes the Prime Minister of Italy
Western Europe Since 1985 - Election of Nikolas Sarkozy in France
Western Europe Since 1985 - Reelection of Merkel
Western Europe Since 1985 - David Cameron becomes prime minister of Brittain