
AP Calculus BC Journals

  • AB Review: Basic Integration Techniques

    AB Review: Basic Integration Techniques
    We reviewed several basic integration techniques, such as substitution techniques and common integrals. I feel pretty confident on this topic and on AB material.
  • Differential Equation Review

    Differential Equation Review
    We reviewed slope fields, euler's method, and the logistic functions. This was a good review for me as I forgot logistics equations and could use a review on how to do euler's method.
  • Infinite Series Review

    Infinite Series Review
    This review was extremely helpful in remembering all the tests such as direct comparison, limit comparison, root, ratio, etc. We also review all the rules that confirm either convergence and divergence which was also very helpful. This is probably a major topic on the AP so its important to understand infinite series.
  • Taylor Polynomials, Series, and Remainders

    Taylor Polynomials, Series, and Remainders
    Today, we looked at taylor polyinomials, big topic on the AP test, as we reviewed how to generate the polynomial and the one's that we should know. We also review remainders, such as Lagrange Error Bound and we also reviewed series and the rules for convergence and divergence. This, overall, was a major help as they are a big part of the AP.
  • Practice with Taylor Polynomials, Series, and Remainders

    Practice with Taylor Polynomials, Series, and Remainders
    Today, we toned our skills with taylor polynomials, series, and remainders by do some practice. This practice was very helpful in consolidating my knowledge of taylor polynomials, series, and remainders.
  • Advanced Integration Techniques

    Advanced Integration Techniques
    Today, we review serveral integration techniques we should know, such as u-sub and basic trig integral, and we also review advanced integral techniques such as integration by parts, using partial fractions, and infinite integrals. This review was extremely helpful because integration is widely tested on the AP.
  • Integral Applications

    Integral Applications
    Today, we went over severeal applications of the integral, mainly area and volume. This review also applied to polar review as we reviewed how to find area in polar coordinates. It highly likely to be a free response question, so this review was very helpful.
  • Polar Review

    Polar Review
    The class reviewed polar and how to find derivatives, rectangular form, and area of given polar functions. I was absent on this day, but I review mainly about series because I was having the most trouble in that topic. This is the day before the polar test, so the polar review would have been helpful.
  • Polar Test

    Polar Test
    Since I forgot about the test today, I didn't do too well, but after the test, I made sure that I knew how to do all the polar things we need to know for the AP test, which is in a couple days.
  • AP Practice

    AP Practice
    Since the AP test is next week, we practiced AP problems because we reviewed almost everything, so all we needed was some more practice. This was really helpful in preperation for the AP.
  • Practice Test Review

    Practice Test Review
    I was absent today due to the AP Chemistry Exam, however, after the exam I was able to do some AP practice problems from an AP book. I took a timed multiple choice test, and realized that I am fine on time.
  • Pre-Game

    Day before the test! In class we went over general topics, formula's, and what to remember forthe test. We walked around the school to get us active and prepared for the exam tomorrow. I did a couple practice problems on some topics I thought I should look over but didn't do too much. I will get a good night's sleep and I feel prepared for the game.
  • Game Day Reflection

    Game Day Reflection
    Wow, I feel pretty good. The test wasn't too hard as the 2nd multiple choice section was the bomb and the free response was familiar as it included polar area and things I felt comfortable on. The only hard parts were a few questions on the first section of the multiple choice and the last free response about series which was confusing in what it was asking. I also forgot the inverse formula of g'(x) given F(x) and g(x) which lost me a point. But I believe I did pretty well. Hopefully a 5!