AP art history timeline project

  • First Vacuum Cleaner Invented

    The first vacuum cleaner was invented in 1901, by British inventor Hubert Cecil Booth.
  • Art: Mont Sainte- Victoire by Paul C'ezanne

  • Art: The Blue Rider by Wassily Kandinsky

    Wassily founded the "Der Blaue Reiter" group, which was one of the earliest groups of expressionism, he also painted this painting.
  • First powered flight

    The very first powered flew in North Carolina, by the Wright Brothers.
  • Orville Wright

    On December 17th, 1903, Orville Wright flew 120 feet in the air in 12 seconds.
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    Fauvism was an art movement that showcases bright colors, with a realism-type of sense to the painting or piece of art.
  • Art: Woman with a Hat by Henri Matisse

    This painting was made in 1905.
  • Picasso and Braque create cubism!

    In 1907 Picasso creates cubism in Paris, he displayed the first sight of cubism through his art piece "Les Demoiselles D'Avignon".
  • Art: Les Demoiselles D'Avigon by Pablo Picasso

  • Art: Red room by Henri Matisse

    He made it after seeing a very fancy dining room in a mansion in Moscow owned by Serge Shcnukin.
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    Futurism is an art movement that showed dynamic and growth of a painting. Filippo Tommaso Marinette started this movement.
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    The cubism art movement represents a painting with colorful geometric shapes. This art movement began with Gorges Braque and Pablo Picasso.
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    Surrealism art was art that gives the viewer a dream-like state, through symbols.
  • Art: I and the Village

    This piece of art really showcases the life of a peasant.
  • Art: The large blue horses by Frank Marc

    This piece of art was put in "Der Blaue Reiter"s first exibition.
  • Art: Man with a guitar by Georges Braque

  • Art: Self portrait with Chinese plant, by Egon Schiele

  • First fridge invented

    The first fridge was invented by Fred W. Wolf.
  • Art: Street Berlin by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

    He wanted to show his view of Berlin.
  • Art: Unique forms of continuity in space.

  • Rosa Parks is born

    On February 4th, 1913 Rosa Parks is born. As of right now, she is just another baby, but in the future, she will become one of the biggest names in African American history.
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    World War 1

    This war was a war fought due to the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. This war included the following: Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, The Ottoman Empire, Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Canada, Japan, and The United States of America.
  • Art: Black Square by Kazimi Malevich

  • Art: Fountain by Marcel Duchamp

  • German soldier held at gunpoint

    On September 28th, 1918 Henry Tandey came across a hurt German soldier while serving his duties and a British soldier. As he held the German soldier at gunpoint he ultimately decided that he would spare the young man's life. This lucky German soldier was Adolf Hitler.
  • Art: Portrait of a Man by Erich Heckel

    Through this painting, he wanted to show anxiety and anticipation for Germany.
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    Dada was an art movement that showcases the rejection of cultural values.
  • First automatic traffic light

    Garrett Morgan created the first electric automatic traffic signal in 1923.
  • The first Color Television

    The first color television was invented in 1928 by John Logie Baird.
  • Art: Castle and Sun by Paul Klee

    Made this to invite a viewer to gain their own interpretation of the art.
  • Art: The Trechary of images by Rene Magritte

  • MLK's birth

    MLK was born on January 15th, 1929.
  • Anne Franks birth

    Anne Frank, a Jewish German girl, is born on June 12th, 1929.
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    The Great Depression

    America had its stock market crash on October 28th, 1929. This led to the event we know today as the Great Depression.
  • Art: American Gothic by Grant Wood

    After visiting Iowa he decided to paint America Gothic. This painting represented the clothing and life of farmers in the 19th century.
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    Propaganda was an art movement created so that a piece could strike emotion in a viewer. This tactic of art was used to get people to do something, or to get people to feel bad.
  • Art: Persistence of memory by Salvador Dali

    Salvador Dali made this painting in 1931, to showcase the landscape around Portilligat, his home in Spain.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of Germany

    On January 30th, 1933, Hitler is officially declared the leader of Germany.
  • Art: Guernica by Pablo Picasso

    This art was made after the Germans invaded a town by the name of Guernica, during the Spanish civil war. Picasso made this as an anti-war mural in 1937.
  • Art: Time Transfixed by Rene Magritte

  • Hitler and Stalin

    On August 23rd, 1939 Hitler and Stalin sign a non-aggression pact.
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    World War 2

    World war 2 began because Adolf Hitler invaded Poland. This war included the following: Germany, Italy, Japan, France, Great Britain,
    The Soviet Union, and China. This war lasted 6 years.
  • First Helicopter

    The first helicopter was invented in 1939 by Igor Sikorsky.
  • Anne Frank Begins the first page of her diary

    In June of 1942, Anne Frank writes her first entry into one of the most famous books in history.
  • Art: Nighthawks by Edward Hopper

    He made this painting to show a feeling of isolation and loneliness and the diner having no door represents having "no door to the outside world".
  • FDR, Stalin, and Churchill come together

    In November of 1943, Joseph Stalin, FDR, and Winston Churchill come together to try and secure Stalin's side with the UN.
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    Abstract Expressionalism

    This art movement was used to start a sense of being spontaneous or random.
  • Anne Frank writes her last diary entry

    On August 1st, 1944, Anne Frank writes what she doesn't know will be her last diary entry. Three days after this entry their hiding spot would be found by the Nazis and then all of them would be arrested.
  • Anne Frank passes away

    On March 31st, 1945, Anne Frank dies of a sickness outbreak in a concentration camp.
  • FDR passes away

    FDR had a helpful presidency during ww2 but sadly passed on just months into his fourth term. He passed away on April 12th, 1945 due to a decline in heath.
  • Adolf Hitler dies

    Hitler passes away due to suicide on April 30th, 1945.
  • FDR ends the war

    FDR gained a three-way alliance, that ultimately helped end ww2.
  • Otto Frank releases his daughters diary to the world!

    In 1947 Otto Frank releases the diary of his dead daughter Anne Frank. This gives the world an inside look at how scary and harsh the holocaust was from the perspective of a Jewish girl.
  • Christina's world by Andrew Wveth

    The art piece is supposed to be of a girl who lived by his summerhouse overlooking a field.
  • Orville Wright Passes Away

    Orville Wright is pronounced dead at the age of 76 years old, from a heart attack on January 30th, 1948.
  • The first credit card

    The very first credit card was invented in 1950 by Ralph Schneider.
  • Death of Joseph Stalin

    On March 5th, 1953, Joseph Stalin dies of a short illness.
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    Pop art

    Pop art was an art movie that gave are cartoonish look to the pop culture that was around in the 1950s.
  • Rosa Parks starts a 13 month protest

    On December 1st, 1955 Rosa Parks is asked to give her seat to a white man. She denies the White Man her seat and this begins what we know as the Montgomery bus boycott, and is one of the biggest steps towards the end of segregation.
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    When an artist spends time looking at a photograph and then tries to redraw it to a different scale.
  • Art: Campbell's soup can by Andy Warhol

    This is a perfect example of the pop art movement in the 1950s!
  • The first commercial Satellite

    Telstar 1, aka the first commercial satellite, was launched on July 10th, 1962 at 4:35 am.
  • MLK gives his famous "I have a dream" speech

    On August 28th, 1963 MLK gives his speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. This speech was very important because it shed light on turning points that would lead to equality for all.
  • Georges Braque passes away

    Due to bad health, Georges Braque passed away on August 31st, 1963.
  • art: Piece Window by Marc Chagall

    Peace window is a stained glass piece located at the united nations building in new york city. the widow is a tribute to the secretary general of the United Nations Dag Hammarskjold who died in a plane crash in 1961.
  • Churchill's death

    Winston Churchill died on January 24th, 1965 of a major heart attack.
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    neo-expressionism was an art movement that had vivid colors on a big scale, it was a movement against minimalistic and conceptual art.
  • MLK's death

    MLK died on April 4th, 1968, he was shot by James Earl Ray on the second-story balcony of a motel in Memphis Tennessee.
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    Performance art

    Performance art was art created using one's body, also known as theater.
  • Pablo Picasso passes away

    Pablo Picasso passes away on April 8th, 1973 because of heart failure.
  • First personal computer

    The first personal computer was invented in 1976 by Apple and was called the Apple l.
  • The first camcorder

    The first camcorder was invented in 1983 by Jerome Lemelson.
  • The first GPS

    The first GPS or Global Positioning System was invented in 1993 by Ivan Getting, Bradford Parkinson, and Roger Easton.