Sherman Act
First antitrust law and it established standards for the US enforcement of antitrust policy -
Standard Oil v USA
Structural remedy, breakup monopoly -
Federal Trade Commission Act
outlaws unfair methods of competition -
Clayton Act
Amendment to Sherman Act that specifically prevents certain types of business activities -
US Steel vs USA
Dominant firms in a market are protected from Section 2 violations -
Thatcher Manufactoring Co. vs FTC
Clayton does not apply to asset purchases -
Robinson-Patman Act
close loopholes in Section 2 of Sherman -
Aluminum Company of America vs USA
Precedent created: overwhelming market share violates Section 2 of Sherman UNLESS unavoidable -
Celler-Kefauver Act
Filled loophole of Section 7 of Clayton Act -
Brown Shoe Co vs USA
Horizontal mergers banned even in competitive markets -
Philadelpheia National Bank v USA
Horizontal Mergers are "per se" illegal -
General Dynamics Corp v USA
BIG SWING, signaled that court no longer sides with DOJ and FTC in all merger cases -
Waste Management In v USA
Market share does not mean the price will increase because of "low barriers to entry" into the market -
Hart-Scott-Robino Act
Modern legal structure for horizontal mergers -
Aspen Skiing Company vs Aspen Highlands Skiing Company
Court's ruling: Anti competitive or exclusionary means used to acquire. main, or use that monopoly power is illegal -
Antiturst Criminal Penalty Enhancement Act
Set fines of corporations at $100 million per violation &
Set fines of individuals at $1 million per violation + max 10 year jail sentence per violation