1 CE
The Beginning of Antisemitism
Around the beginning of the common era, antisemitism began to become very prominent. This included the Romans who hated the Jews and told them to only worship Roman Gods and follow Roman law, some Jews wanted to fight and some wanted peace. The Jews did not give up their religion but were labeled and hated. -
The Beginning of Christian Antisemitism
Christian antisemitism came soon after it's beginning. Jesus Christ was the founder of Christianity and soon would gain many followers before he was crucified by the Romans. His followers soon gained a sort of hate and suspicion towards Jews, even though Jesus taught to love. This soon began the Christian's prejudice towards Jews, even though there beliefs only slightly differ. -
The "Enemy" Jews
In the 16th century, the Jews were the minority. They were regarded as enemies to the prominent Christians and were forced into miserable lives. These lives included being forced to live in neighborhoods surrounded by walls and being guarded by Christians. The Jews were also told to be the Devil's workers and were made out to be horrible creatures. -
The Jewish "Race"
In the 18th and 19th century, the Jews were soon classifies as a race. This was due to misinformation on what a race was. Instead of being classified and persecuted on their religion, it was now based on their "race". This era is where the word "antisemitism" was coined translating to against Semites, or Jews. -
The Beginning of Blame
By the 20th century, the Jews were blamed for everything that went wrong, this included being blamed for the Depressions in the 1920s. Many soon began to feel that Jews were the root of everything bad that happened. Soon Hitler would use this to his own advantage. -
Hitler and his Holocaust
Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany, a democratic state, in 1933. He would soon turn it into a fascist state under his rule. He built his army of Nazis and began to make Germany into his image. He did not like Jews, he hated them. He thought only Aryans should live. Hitler soon began to make laws and orders that took away Jewish rights, soon he would take them to camps, where they were gassed and burned, or worked to death. He would go on to capture countries and do the same.