Illustrated, thinker (philosopher). French. He defended the division of powers and the constitutional monarchy -
Period: to
Antiguo Regimen
Sistema social, económico y político de las monarquías europeas durante la Edad Media -
Born in France, was of the modern age, supporter of a strong monarchy in which civil liberties are respected. He was a strong advocate of freedom of expression -
Period: to
Era el sistema político vigente en la mayor parte de Europa. El rey concentraba los poderes legislativo, político y judicial -
James Watt
Scottish, mechanical engineer and inventor.
He invented the parallel movement. He invented the steam engine -
Period: to
Corriente intelectual que cuestiono los principios del Antiguo Régimen. Surgió en Francia. Influirá en el liberalismo y el surgimiento de las revoluciones -
Swiss writer. defender of social equality. considered that society corrupts the human being -
Luis XVI
He was king of France when the monarchy was overthow. He supported the colonist in the American war of independence. He was guillotine -
Period: to
Guerra de la independencia
La guerra entre los insurgentes americanos y el Reino Unido fue larga. Los colonos, liderados por George Washington, fueron apoyados por Francia y España. Se finalizo la guerra con el tratado con la Paz de Versalles.
En 1787 se aprovo la constitucion de EE.UU -
Adam Smith
Founder of economic liberalism. Scottish. Defender of work, private property and the foundation of the free economy -
Period: to
Declaración de la independencia de EE.UU
Los representantes de las 13 colonias, reunidos en el congreso Counticeuta de Filadelfia, firmaron la D.I de EE.UU -
Period: to
1º Revolución industrial
1º Industria textil algodonera:
*algodón desde las colonias
*hilado y tejido con maquinas especializadas
2º Idustria siderurgica
*altos hornos
*para maquinas, herramientas, ferrocarriles(maquinas de tendidos)
Había division de trabajos y las empresas eran pequeñas y de tipo familiar -
George Washington
President of USA, delegated the firts continental congress. Was a president of constitutional. He considered one of the American Founding Fathers -
He was Frenc lawyer and politician. He became dictator during the Reign of terror, eliminating all thosew considered enemies of the revolution. He was one of the most influential figures of the French Revolution -
Period: to
Es un régimen personalísta. Napoleón acaparo todo el poder y esto se reflejo en la Constitución del año VIII, en la que no había división de poderes. En 1799 fue llamado Cónsul Vitalicio -
Thomas Jefferson
Was the 3th president of USA. Principal author of declaration of independence. He was powerfull advocate of liverty. He considered one of the American Founding Fathers -
Napoleon Bonaparte
Military and political leader. He defended some riberd indeas, he controled the power in France. He was one of the most influential figures -
Period: to
Imperio Napoleónico
Napoleón se proclamó emperador, mantuvo continuas guerras contra otros paises. Derrota por los britanico en Trafalgar. Victoria contra los prusianos Jena y los austriacos Austerlitz.
Estableció un bloqueo continental
Derrota por los rusos y en 1813 por Reino unido, Prusia, Rusia y Austria; batalla Leipzig.
también fue derrotado en Waterloo -
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
He was a French political and revolutionary philosopher, and, together with Bakunin, Kropotkin and Malatesta, one of the fathers of anarchist thought and its first economic tendency, mutualism. He was also one of the strongest opponents of the advancement of women's rights in the nineteenth century, declaring his physical, intellectual and moral inferiority. -
George Stephenson
British, civil engineer and civil engineer who built the first public rail line in the world that used steam locomotives -
Friedrich Engles
He was a German philosopher and revolutionary.
Friend and collaborator of Karl Marx, was coauthor with him of fundamental works for the birth of the socialist, communist and union movements, and political leader of the First International and the Second International. -
Karl Marx
He was a philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, intellectual and Prussian communist militant of Jewish origin. He created Marxism. He wrote 28 works with Engles, the most important "Captain" -
Period: to
Revolucion de 1848
Afectaron a numerosos paises.
La crisis estallo en Francia, se derribó la monarquia de Luis Felipe de Orleans, que proclamó la segunda república y Napoleón se convirtió en el presidente de la república, sin embargo, su gobierno se hizo mas autoritario, por lo se dio un golpe de estado y se proclamó el Segundo Imperio.
Las revoluciones fracasaron y por ello supusieron un avance del liberalismo -
Thomas Alva Edison
he was an entrepreneur, and American inventor. He invented the light bulb -
Abraham Lincoln
He was the 16th president of USA. His presidency was determinated by the American civil war. He defended the emancipation of all slaves and preserved the union. He was one of the great American leaders -
Mijail Bakunin
He was a Russian anarchist. It is possibly the best known of the first generation of anarchist philosophers and is considered one of the fathers of this thought, within which he defended the collectivist thesis and atheism. -
Period: to
2º Revolución industrial
Industria siderurgica
*acero para la industria de armamento, arquitectura, ingienieria
Industria electrica
*aplicada a las maquinas, medios de transporte, alumbrado
Industrias quimicas
*nuevos materiales, productor farmaceuticos, tintes, colorantes...
Para la organizacion se utilizaba el TAYLORISMO- FORDISMO
y se crearon sociedades anonimas, las bolsas, los cancos y proceso de concentracio empresarial