
Anti-War Movement (1965-1973)

  • When did this group first start demanding justice/civil rights?

    When did this group first start demanding justice/civil rights?
    Students started to speak out for freedom of speech in 1964 to be able to speak their minds and use their voices on campus which then really took off in 1965 when America started bombing North Vietnam and sending troops to combat. The student protest gained a national support and the movement to end the war in Vietnam skyrocketed. The movement officially began with the bombings, it was the official kick-off.
  • Key Event: First Draft Riots 1965

    Key Event: First Draft Riots 1965
    Many students participated in protests where they would make signs demonstrating their frustrations, holding demonstrations, and sometimes even burning draft cards. They wanted to be heard to end the war. This was a huge push for the movement in how people wanted to speak out against what they think is right,
  • Key Individual: Julian Bond gets elected Georgia's House of Representative

    Key Individual: Julian Bond gets elected Georgia's House of Representative
    Julian Bond was elected Georgia’s House of Representatives (1965) the Gearogia’a state legislator refused to let him in because of his involvement in the anti-war movement. He was the founder of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in 1960.
  • What was the group advicating for?

    What was the group advicating for?
    Furthermore, the group wanted to secure better conditions at home economically. Ending the war would do so. They wanted to stop the mass spending on the war in Vietnam to save America’s economy before things got much worse. (1965-1973)
  • What was the group advicating for?

    What was the group advicating for?
    The movement created many groups. The groups were advocating for many things such as ordering the government to go to peace with Vietnam. The majority of the US didn't want to fo to war with Vietnam. They have already been through WWII and the Korean war, they didn't want to go through that again. (1965-1973)
  • What was the group advicating for?

    What was the group advicating for?
    In addition to fighting for peace in Vietnam, the group was advocating to end the draft and have the freedom to join the war if you were willing too. The advocates strongly believed that the government shouldn't make you go to war and fight for something you might not believe in. (1965-1973)
  • Period: to

    Anti War Movement

    The Anit-War Movement began in 1965 and came to a close after almost a decade later in early 1973.
  • Key Event: The Resistance (1967)

    Key Event: The Resistance (1967)
    The resistance aimed to destroy the drafts. They planned and created many protests that millions of people attended. In 1967, the resistance was formally formed. Fighting for what they thought was right and inspiring others to do the same. They wanted to end the draft so it was a matter of volunteering and not being "voluntold".
  • Key Individual: Martin Luther King Jr. Joins the movement

    Key Individual: Martin Luther King Jr. Joins the movement
    MLK Jr. allowed for a huge boost in the movement in 1967 when he publically spoke out against the war. He strongly believed it was immoral and derived the money that was supposed to support poor black people. He also spoke out against the number of black soldiers dying compared to the total casualties. On April 15, 1967 king, spoke at an anti-war march.
  • Key Individual: Muhammad Ali refuses to be drafted

    Key Individual: Muhammad Ali refuses to be drafted
    Muhammad Ali refused to be drafted into the Vietnam war (April 28, 1967) because of his Muslim religion. He didn’t believe in the violence and was sent to prison for refusing to go to war. He was sentenced to 5 years of prison on June 20, 1967, stripped of his boxing title, and was fined $10,000. He was fighting for what he believed in and was an inspiration for several apart of the movement.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated
    The Civil Rights Activist was assassinated on the night of April 4, 1968. He was standing on his Motel balcony with his partners when he was shot in his neck and rushed to the hospital. His death was grieved across the entire country, sparking many to riot. People of all races mourned his death.
  • First man on the moon

    First man on the moon
    Apollo 11 was the first rocket ship to ever send humans to the moon. Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins were the astronauts on Apollo 11, making history. This was a huge win for the U.S. They finally beat the Soviets at something for the most important part of the space race.
  • Key Event: 1970 National Guard toops shot into a group of protesters demonstrating again the US invasion of Cambodia

    Key Event: 1970  National Guard toops shot into a group of protesters demonstrating again the US invasion of Cambodia
    Students and other civilians protested the invasion of Cambodia. They thought the war was coming to an end, but then troops invaded Cambodia. Americans just wanted peace. On May 4 people stood outside Kent State University, to protest when things got out of hand. The National Guard was sent in for safety reasons and ordered everyone to leave. 4 students and 9 others were killed, leaving America and witnesses confused as to why it had to become violent. The tragedy influenced many more protests.
  • Outcome: Signing the Peace Treaty

    Outcome: Signing the Peace Treaty
    The main goal of the anti-war movement was to end the war in Vietnam. The efforts of the participants made the goal achievable. Their many protests helped to eventually pull out and end the war. The treaty was signed on January 8, 1973, and was put into action on January 23, 1973.
  • Outcome: Suspension of the draft

    Outcome: Suspension of the draft
    The mass involvement in the movement had many goals, one was to end the draft. Through many protests and demonstrations, the draft was put on hold for the time being. Their efforts turned out effective.