
Anti Semitism Timeline

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    Crucification of Jesus

    Crucification of Jesus
    Jewish people were blamed with the killing of Jesus. Christians wrote this in their bible, making it hard to simply move on from. Jews then received hate from Christians because they were seen as the killer of Christ.
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    Gessius Florus Killing Mass Number of Jews

    Gessius Florus Killing Mass Number of Jews
    Gessius Florus was a Roman procurator who ruled Judea and hated Jews. He took silver from the temple and people began to speak out about it. As a result, Florus sent troops to Jerusalum who murdered 3,600 Jewish citizens.
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    Forbidden to marry Christans

    Jewish people were forbidden to marry Christians. They were only allowed to marry within the Jewish population. Stories were shared saying that Jews wanted to kill all Christians so they were isolated from them.
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    Unable to have positions in government

    Jewish people were not allowed to hold positions in government. Made up stories about Jews purposely spreading the plague caused them to be seen as untrustworthy and not fit for government.
  • 1095

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    Pope Urban II encouraged his people to take the Holy Land from the Muslims. The crusades army formed which was more like a mob, and their target shifted over to the Jews. The crusades army went through Jewish communities to rape, loot and murder Jews.
  • 1150

    Blood Libel

    Blood Libel
    Thomas of Monmouth explained a story of a Christian boy dying and claimed Jews with horns and tails were the one who killed them. Jews were blamed for multiple Christian children's death.
  • 1545

    Martin Luther's Pamphlet

    Martin Luther's Pamphlet
    Martin Luther was the founder of the Reformation and Protestantism. He wrote a pamphlet called "The Jews and Their Lies", which read that Jews were thirsty for Christian blood. This encouraged readers to kill Jews.
  • The Dreyfus Affair

    The Dreyfus Affair
    Alfred Dreyfus was a Jewish man who was also a captain in the French Army. He was falsely convicted of selling military secrets to Germans. When Dreyfus was eventually proven innocent, French Officers covered it up so a Jewish man was still seen as guilty.
  • Pogroms in Ukraine

    Pogroms in Ukraine
    After the Russian Revolution, over 500 Jewish communities were wiped out in pogroms, also known as a mass murder. An average of 60,000 Jewish men, women, and children were killed.
  • Holocaust

    Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, an Anti-Semitist group in Germany, used concentration camps and gas chambers to murder a total of 6 million Jews. They were beaten to death and forced to wear a star to make them stand out from everyone else.
  • Toulouse Shooting

    Three children and their teacher were shot at school in France. The killer was a radical Islamic gunman.
  • Mass Shooting

    In a Kosher Market in Paris, four Jewish people were murdered. The killer was an Islamic terrorist