enabiling act
this ment that the government could pass any law write any decree preform any act they wish too even if it violated the consitution -
jewish boycott
hitler called for a boycott against all jewish buisnesses. posters avertisments throught the radio were made to avertise the boycott. -
nazi pickets
the anti jewish campaign held up sogns outside saying dont by from jews -
aryan law
all non aryans in the civil service must be expelled. a aryan was concidered someone with jewish parents or two or more jewish grandparents. jews were left out of jobs while this law was in order -
berlin book burning
berlin students decided to take any book newspaper or magazine from undisirable writers and threw them into a fire they burnded 70,000 tons of books. -
the nuremberg law
they were in two parts one was called the law for protection of german blood and german honor and the other law was called the reich citizionship law no german and jewish marriges no sexual relations between the two jews were not allowed to display the german flag or national colors there were more laws. -
law 174
if a jew didnt have a reconizable jewish name then they had to change thier name to sarah if they were a girl and if they were a boy it would be isreal the government poblished over 100 reconizable jewish names all passports the jews had were stamped with a j or jude -
night of broken glass
they called it this because of all the broken into stores and glass everywhere also from homes. -
warsaw qhetto wall
the ghetto wall blocked a population of about 400,000 people -
forced labor in poland
jewish civilanz were forced to repair the road damamge, nazi occupied poland -
jewish star requirment
any child 6 or older had to have a jewish star ( star of david sign when they went out) then in october they werent alout to leave there home with out promision they werent allowed of their ocuntry,