jewish boycot
at this time only 600,000 jewies lived in geramney wich is only 1% of all of germaneys populatin. the Nazi were boycotting against the Jews of Germany. -
Enabling Act
the Enabling Act started on march 23 1933. it gave huge consequences fo the citzons of nazi geramney. hitlar nerer had intention of acting within a participatory democracy. -
Berlin Book Burning
they burende books because symbolic act of ominous significance, the students burned upwards of 25,000 volumes of unGerman books they wanted to be a germany only nation so this is were they wanted to start -
Aryan Law
it was a law that made pepole think that the jews were taking over germany. but they relley wernt taking over anywere -
Nuremberg Laws
there was individual events aginst jewsh. the law was Requirement that to be a german citiczon you must have german blood. to being able to vote. -
Law#174 Jewish name change
the jews had to change thir name to a comon jewish name so that the nazis coul know who all of the jews were name or they were deported -
night of Broken Glass
the germanys went out and vandilised and shut down any shops that was being run by a jew. -
Jewish Star Requirement
all of the jewes were Requirement to sew a star of diavid on all of thir clothes. if they did not they were sent to a camp. if they did gould be singled out of evryone. they mus tworn it in public.