
Anti-Jewish Laws

  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    Also called "The Law for Terminating the Suffering of People and the Nation". With the pretext of restoring a sick Germany to health, The act enabled the Goverment to pass the law.
  • Period: to

    Natzi Timespan

  • Jewish Boycott

    Jewish Boycott
    Nazi tried to pursuade German people not to buy merchendies from Jews.
  • Aryan Law

    Aryan Law
    All non-Aryans in th civil service were to be expelled. Non-Aryans meant Jews.
  • Berlin Book Burning

    Berlin Book Burning
    University students decided to act "against the un-German spirit". They collected work from undisirible writters, and threw them in a huge bonfire.
  • Nuremburg Law

    Nuremburg Law
    Thiere were two parts of the law. One was called "The law for the protection of German blood and German honner". The second on was "The reich Citizenship law".
  • The Jewish Name Change Law# 174

    The Jewish Name Change Law# 174
    If a Jew did not have a "reconizable Jewish Name" the woman had to add Sarah and the men Isreal as the middile name to those who had Jewish Names.
  • Night of the Broken Glass

    Night of the Broken Glass
    Natzi's smashed Jewish stonefronts and homes that litterd the streets.
  • The Jewish Star Requirement

    The Jewish Star Requirement
    Jews were forbiden to leave their house without peprmission. Also Jews were forced to were a badge saying they were Jewish it was like a walk of shame.