Anthony hanemaayer cbc

Anthony Hanemaayer

  • Anthony Hanemaayer charged

    Anthony Hanemaayer charged
    Hanemaayer was charged for assault and break-and-enter following a 1987 Scarborough home invasion and attempted rape. It was said that he broke into the house through a basement window and travelled upstairs to the 15 year olds room where he attempted to rape her at knife point. From the girls screams the mother rushed in the room to see a figure standing in the shadows and flee out of the girls bedroom window.
  • Period: to

    Anthony Hanemaayers road to freedom

  • Hanemaayer Trial Part 1

    Hanemaayer Trial Part 1
    Fearing conviction on both charges, Hanemaayer accepted the Crown's offer of a two-year sentence in return for a guilty plea on the break-and-enter charge because his lawyer kept recommending to him that he plead guilty and accept a shorter sentence "Back then, I was 19, I was scared, I would have been scared to go in federal prison because of the charge," Hanemaayer said. "So in other words, basically...
  • Hanemaayer Trial Part 2

    I had to take to the deal. I didn't want to do the 10 years. I was already inside. I figured I'd just do another eight months and get out, just get over and done with." Hanemaayer said the mood at his trial was very much against him, with almost every participant wanting a conviction in the emotional case.
  • Hanemaayer Trial Part 3

    "As the trial proceeded, the trial was going real bad, I could see in everybody's eyes, the " Hanemaayer said the mood at his trial was very much against him, with almost every participant wanting a conviction in the emotional case. "As the trial proceeded, the trial was going real bad, I could see in everybody's eyes, the Crown, the judge, I could see the the way it was … guilty … they had me guilty before I could even prove my innocence," he says.
  • Hanemaayer Trial Final

    The main piece of evidence was the mothers testimony. When the mother of the girl was shown a series of 12 photos and asked if the man who attacked her daughter was there, she quickly fingered Hanemaayer, despite the fact eyewitness testimony is often unreliable and she only saw him in the dark.
  • Hanemaayer Realesed

    Anothny Hanemaayer is realesed from jail but is still considered guilty for the crime which was in fact commited by the Scarborough rapist Paul Bernardo.
  • Paul Bernardo's 1st confession

    Paul Bernardo tells officers that he was behind a series of rapes in the Toronto suburb of Scarborough. The officers saw no relationship to Hanemaayers case.
  • Paul Bernard Confesses to Hanemaayers crime.

    Paul Bernard Confesses to Hanemaayers crime.
    Paul Bernardo independently confessed to the 1987 crime to officers from the Toronto Sexual Assault Team yet police did not inform Hanemaayer with this information.
    -"There was a girl there you know. I had to try, try to go up there and get her.… You know, when you’re a sex predator, that’s what you do right?" said Bernardo, who lived two blocks from the crime scene you do right?" said Bernardo, who lived two blocks from the crime scene.

    Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted (AIDWC), a legal rights organization became aware of Bernardo's confession and offers to help Hanemaayer prove that he is innocent. They complained that when Bernardo told officers the case should have been reopened immediately.
  • Justice Is Given to Anthony Hanemaayer

    Justice Is Given to Anthony Hanemaayer
    Anthony Hanemaayer is acquitted at the Ontario Court of Appeal with help of lawyer James Lockyer and the AIDWC. 20 years later he is no longer living as a guilty man for crimes he did not comit.
  • Present Day

    Present Day
    Anthony Hanemaayer now in his 40's is living in london, Ontario as a freeman while serial rapist Paul Bernardo is serving a life sentence in Kingston, Ont., for the first-degree murders of Ontario schoolgirls Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French. Bernardo was declared a dangerous offender in November 1995, which means he will be held indefinitely.