Umentionable Times
The Unmentionable Times is a period previous to the setting of the book. During this time there was more technology and advances that is destroyed later on. There are still remnants from the past but anything discovered is forbidden by the council for example the tunnel that is found by Equality-2521. -
The First Flying Car is Invented
After the flying car is released the government grows scared of any further advancement. They notice that only the upper class can afford to buy these expensive vehicles and come to a realization of the inequality in the world. There is inequality between race, religion, jobs, and educations and the situation has grown too big for them to control. -
The Government Bans the use of Cell Phones
The government decides to start taking away the citizens privileges one at a time. They begin with cell phones saying that they are dangerous and affecting relationships. People believe their leaders and burn or throw away their phones. Although nothing is forced on them, they can make the decision to keep their phones or not but the majority of the population destroy their cell phones. -
The Internet is Deleted
After the ban of cellphones, they think that it is still not enough to help the inequality situation. They obliterate the Internet. By doing this they make the use of computers and other products pointless. This makes citizens angry because they do it without telling anyone and many begin to protest saying that the internet is necessary for school and jobs. -
Experimenting is Banned
Deleting the internet solved many of their problems, but not all of them. The government decides to ban any type of experimenting or developing new products. This puts many people out of jobs but helps the government stop further advances in technology. People still protest, but they are not punished. If anyone is caught doing any of these illegal activities then they are put in jail. -
Adults are forced to change jobs
To help lessen the gaps between races, religion, sex, and jobs the government forces any adult to change their job. They only allow jobs that benefit the country for example gardeners, trash collectors and street sweepers. Everyone is given a lower class job that pays the exact same and has the same hours. Anyone caught doing undercover work is killed for revolting against the government. -
Books are burned
Books are considered to be another form of the internet by the government. They demand the burning of any books because they are a way people can escape reality and get ideas to revolt. There are few books that are legal for education but other than those select few they are all destroyed. They have soldiers raid houses and if anyone is caught hiding books they are killed. -
Children are Seperated from Parents at Birth
Since the government has control over everything people do, they begin to separate children from their mothers when they are born. After separation they are put into a house with other children of their age. At this time, men and women are infuriated and begin to riot. These are stopped by force and many citizens are killed for trying to stop the separation of parent and child. -
The New World is almost complete
At this point the government has control over everyone and anyone that is caught doing something illegal is killed on the spot. The population is terrified so they comply with any laws that are set and there are no more protests or riots. They have realize they have given up all their rights and this is their fault. There is nothing they can do at this point because any and all resources have been banished or destroyed. Many people escape into the unchartered forest but are quickly forgotten abo -
The New World
The new world is finally put in place. Children grow up together without parents and are educated together. When they are old enough, they are put in front of the council to decide their job for the rest of their lives until they are 40 and on the verge of death. They don’t have names, just numbers. Every man and women is considered to be completely equal.