
  • chapter 1

    chapter 1
    in this chapter we are told about how Equality's child hood was with the house of the infants and the home of the students . During his time at the home of the students he was looked down upon because he was smarter and stronger than all the other students .
  • chapter 2-3

    in these chapters Equality commits the crime of preference and he tells about the house of mating and he also finds his secret tunnel under the earth where he learns and writes .
  • chapter 4-5

    in these chapters he talks to a girl by the name of liberty and he tells her the name he has given her ( the golden one ) and she tells him the name she has given him ( The unconquered ) . He also tells of his plans to present his invention in-front of the council of scholars .
  • chapter 6-7

    in this chapter he stays at his place to long and comes back to the house of the street sweepers to late and gets caught and sent to the palace of corrective detention where he is whipped and then put into a jail cell . Not to long after he hears word that the council of scholars are coming so he breaks of his cell and presents his invention the fallowing day which gets turned down because it isn't in the good of all men when in all reality they are afraid of losing power over everybody .
  • chapter 8-10

    in these chapters Equality flees the city into the forbidden forest where he lives for days on his own until Liberty finds him and they live together in the forest and explore until the run into a house from the unmentionable times . They end up living there and reading , learning , and exploring everything from the past including household appliances like microwaves and stoves .
  • chapter 11-12

    In these chapters Equality Finally learns the word he has been missing ( I ) and he finally learns the meaning of life . He wants to free his fellow brothers from the fake freedom they have and teach the the real way humanity should be .