
Antebellum Timeline

By keeelin
  • What The Legislatives Did About Slavery

    What The Legislatives Did About Slavery
    they tough that by signing the federal laws they would help with the slavery problem . So they decided to sign the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 that would help with the slaves
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    A Man Named Eli Whitney invented a machine that influenced peoples life . He invented the cotton gin . This machine was a benifitial invention for the slave owners in the south becauise this invention helped clean cotton faster .
  • Womens Right Movements

    Womens Right Movements
    Women could only work in their homes . they didnt do anything to help with the ecomomics because that was the mans job . and by the 20th century they had only gotten the privillage to have the right to vote
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Comprimise is a statue that represents the balance in power of congress between slaves and free states . the comprimise was devised by henry clay and was agreed by the pro slaver and anti slavery factions in the united states congress
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    The Temperance Movement is something people made or a movement people made to go against drinks that consume alcohol in them . This claim was going over for more than 10 years with more than 1 million members in the same groups
  • Lowell MIlls

    Lowell MIlls
    Lowell mills were the first faxtories made so that slaves could work in and produce products faster . peopl thought that buy making these systems it would help have a less population of slaves . but it didnt it actually increased the population of slaves
  • Letters of the equalities of the sexes

    Letters of the equalities of the sexes
    it was like a documentary kind of thing that talked about the life of sarah grinkle and her sisters who were slaves that had left their homes . this just helps to encourage people and to let them know what its like to be a slave or to see how a slaves life is
  • Irish Imigration

    Irish Imigration
    Like alot of people were coming into the united states illigally . amd they did it because of civil unrest and because of some employement . this affected alot of americans
  • Declaration Of Sentiments

    Declaration Of Sentiments
    its also known as the declaration of rights but its basically just a document thats been signed by 68 womens and 32 men that offerd for the acceptance of the conventional . it talks about what their suppose to do and what not
  • Kansas And Nebraska Act

    Kansas And Nebraska Act
    This act is the act that created the territories of kansas and nebraska so that new people can come and settle in those lands . but it was devided into the anti slavery and slavery groups
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    John Brown was an abolitionist . His paln was to overthrow the institution of slavery in the united states . He was also a murderer in the north . He was sent to death . they executed him at age 59 . after his death many people wondered if the nation would survive without him
  • 2018 World Cup

    2018 World Cup
    living conditions arent that great . where theyre working its really dirty . about 600 men share 2 kitchens
    people suffer at that place . some people are dying because of the heat , its extreamly hot . they have to make usre that for this event its nice and clean for the people who are coming from all around the world .
  • Modern Day Slavery

    Modern Day Slavery
    After all these years that have past , people have been thinking that slavery is gone , but its not . theres people all around the world that are still being considered as slaves . they dont get payed at all and theyre even treated badly . theres more than 21 million slaves still all around the world .