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By Nick55z
  • Captain Cook Crosses the Antarctica Circle

    Captain Cook Crosses the Antarctica Circle
    Captain Cook crossed the Antarctic Circle sometime in January, 1773
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    Captain Thaddeus Next Person to Cross the Antarctic Circle

    Captain Thaddeus, a Russian naval officer, was the next person to cross the Antarctic circle after Captain Cook. He reported what he saw to his Minister.
  • James Weddell Navigates to the Weddell Sea

    James Weddell Navigates to the Weddell Sea
    James Weddell got to as far as the Weddell Sea which is named after him. No one got up to the Weddell Sea until about 80 years.
  • British Naval Officers and Scientist James Ross Encounter Antarctica

    British Naval Officers and Scientist James Ross Encounter Antarctica
    Sometime through 1840, British Naval Officers and James Ross took two ships, The Erebus, and The Terror. They had to stop because of an ice shelf which is now called the Ross Ice Shelf. While discovering, they found an active volcano which got named Mount Erebus, after the ship. Ross, the scientist, identified 145 different species of fish.
  • Captain Scott Antarctic Expedition

    Captain Scott, along with Ernest Shackleton and Edward Wilson, set a mission to reach to the South Pole. Two months later they had to turn back because they suffered from snow blindness, and scurvy. They reached 82° south, before having to turn back.
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    Ernest Shackleton Expedition

    Ernest Shackleton is trying to get to the South Pole. Within 156km of the South Pole, he turns back because of lack of supplies.
  • Douglas Mawson Expedition

    Mawson successfully reached the South Pole
  • Amundsen Expedition

    Roald Amundsen lead a 5 mem crew to the South Pole. They successfully reach the South Pole while Robert Scott is trying to compete them.
  • Scott is Beaten

    Robert Scott and his 5 men crew reach the South Pole. They find out that Amundsen had beaten him. Scott's crew perish on the way back because of their resources.