philip Nolan
Killed for being a filibuster, and bringing suspicion that the U.S. will take over Texas. #Should’tHaveDoneThat #WillU.S.TakeOver? #PhilipNolanWasaFilibuster! #WasApprovedBySpain -
Period: to
Cry of Delores
Father Hildalgo-Cry of Delores/Father of Mexican Independence/Inspired Gutierrez. #GladToBeAnInspirer #HistoricalEventThatHappenedinMexico #EarlyMorningOf16September1810 -
Battle of Medina
Battle of Medina Gutierrez-Magee expedition, the Spanish Royalist Army fought with the Army of the North.Even thought they lost they inspired many to coninue the fight #Gutiérrez-MageeExpedition #SouthofSanAntonioDeBexar -
James long
James Long Expedition to Nacogdoches. #TexasIsNowaIndependentRepublic #TheRepublicOfTexas #RagtagArmyOccupiedNacogdoches -
Moses Austin
Moses Austin gets permission from Spanish authorities to colonize Texas with Americansbut dies before he completes his plans. #WishIWasThere #AtleastIGotPermission #RightBeforeICouldCompleteMyPlan -
Mexico Independence
Mexico is independent from Spain WeFreeNowSpain #YayWereNowIndependent #MexicanWarOfIndependence -
Stephen F. Austin
Stephen F. Austin continues father's dream by settling 300 families from the United states. They are known as the "old three Hundred". #ThisIsForYouDad #ContinuingMyDadsPlan #Settled300Families! -
Mexican National-era
Mexican National-era (settling Mexico's land with colonist) 1821-1836 #TheMexicanNationalEra #MexicoGainedIndependenceFromSpain -
Mexican Federal Constitution
Mexican Federal Constitution written citizens liberties(rights)#EnactedOnOctober4of1824 #WasMexico'sFirstConstitution -
Martin De Leon
Martin De Leon The only Mexican Empresario. He settled 200 Mexican families in South Texas. #settled200Families #SettledMexicanFamiliesInSouthTexas -
Green DeWitt
Green DeWitt an important American empresario who settled 166 families in South Texas. #AtleastIWasImportant #SettledMoreThen160Families #ProudOfWhatiDid1 -
state colonization
State colonization law (30 more empresarios) 1825. #MexicanLegislaturePassedTheStateColonizationLaw #ProvidingIncentivesForAnglo #