The Diary of a Young Girl_Sebastian Aguilan

  • The Start

    The Start
    Anne Frank moves in the Secret Annexe. This is the turning point in Anne Franks life, where she will live in the Annexe until her death. This relates to the theme because they stayed in the Annexe for hiding from the Germans.
  • Protection

    The Franks make curtains to protect themselves from being discovered from the ones looking for Jews to capture and send to concentration camps.
  • The Van Daans

    The Van Daans
    The Van Daans move into the Secret Annexe with the Franks. This us a turning point for Anne Frank and Van Daan since they will live together for the rest of their lives.
  • Segregation

    Jewish people are starting to get taken away by dozens. This is a turning point for the Jewish, because they will be tortured and forced into labor.
  • Mr. Dussel

    Mr. Dussel
    Mr. Dussel moves in with the Franks and the Van Daans in the Secret Annexe. This becomes character development for Anne Frank as she is supposed to stay more quiet.
  • Compromised

    Anne Frank and the members inside were discovered and arrested for hiding. This would the a turning point, as this would be the end of her life. The theme statement is "Never give up on being yourself"