
Anne Frank Timeline

  • Anne Frank is Born

    Anne Frank is Born
    Anne Frank is born to Edith and Otto Frank. She was the second addition to the Frank family.
  • Period: to

    Anne Frank's Life and the History Around it

  • Adolf Hitler Begins His Rise to Power

    Adolf Hitler Begins His Rise to Power
    Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.
  • First Concentration Camp

    The first concentration camp is opened near Berlin.
  • Hitler Continues His Rise to Power

    Gestapo is created.
  • The Franks Move to Holland

    The Franks Move to Holland
    The Franks move to Holland from Germany to escape Nazi Persecution.
  • Hitler Begins to Create Discrimintive Laws

    Jews are no longer allowed to own land.
  • Adolf Hitler Becomes Fürher of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Becomes Fürher of Germany
    17 days after German President Hidenberg dies, Hitler is elected to power in a time of chaos.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws are created, stripping Jews of their rights.
  • Germany Invades Territory Lost in WWI

    Germany Invades Territory Lost in WWI
    German troops invade and conquer the Rhineland.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Hitler and Mussolini create an alliance to become the Axis powers.
  • Nazis Invade Poland

    Nazis Invade Poland
    Making a pact with the Soviets, Hitler decides that they both need more land in their country. The Nazis decide to invade on September 1st, while the Soviets invade about two weeks later.
  • The Allied Powers Declare War on Germany

    Britain, France, Australia, and New Zealand declare war on Germany for violating the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and ignoring the Alliied powers' warning. The U.S. remains neutral at this point.
  • Holland Surrenders to Nazi Power

    Holland surrenders to the Nazis after invasion.
  • Pearl Harbor is Bombed

    Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, as U.S. Naval base in Hawaii. A few days after, the U.S. declares war and sides to the Allied Powers.
  • D-Day

    Allied troops invade Normandy.
  • Frank and Van Pel's are Discovered in Hiding

    Nazis find both families in the Annex and are taken to concentration camps within the next few days.
  • Anne and Margot are Taken to Bergen-Belsen

    Anne and Margot are transported to a different camp, without gas chambers.
  • Anne and Margot Die

    Anne and Margot die from diseases at Bergen-Belsen.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler commits suicide with his wife, Eva, by drinking poison.
  • Germans Surrender

    Germans surrender to the Allied Powers. Months later, the Japanese surrender and WWII is officially over.
  • Anne Frank House is Opened

    The Annex is opened as a museum.