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Anne Frank

  • Anne Frank was born

    An intelligent being has been born.
  • Anne came home from the hospital

    Gets to see what her life will be like
  • Edith and Margot go to the Netherlands

    They needed to get away from Hitler
  • Otto Frank moves to Amsterdam with Anne

    They needed to get away from Hitler and need to be by their family
  • Oma went with them also

    She needed to be by her family
  • Anne's uncle got arrested

    The only reason he got arrested was because he was jewish
  • Czechoslovakia was invaded by the Nazis

    the nazis were taking over
  • Poland was invaded by Nazis

    The Nazis were taking over
  • The Nazis invaded the Netherlands

    Anne lived in the Netherlands
    The Nazis were taking over
  • Work stopped in the Netherlands

    The Netherlands was going on strike to try and stop the Nazis but it did not work
  • The United States of America joined the war

    The United States was helping fight against the Nazis
  • Oma died

    This was very upsetting for Anne
  • Anne turns 13

    This was the last real birthday party the Franks had since they had to go into hiding. It was also a very big milestone for Anne.
  • Franks move to secret Annex

    This was when they went into hiding. This had scared Anne for many years.
  • Anne died

    Anne died, as well as her sister, of a sickness named typhus. The concentration camps she was taken to made her body week so she could not fight the sickness. The actual date of the death is unknown. the date I put was an estimate.