Period: to
Anne Frank
Anne Frank- Father is Dissapointed
Anne Frank's Daddy is dissapointed by her because she didn't follow his advice of not going up every evening to go see Peter. She asked Margot advice and puts her toughts in words she want to say to her Daddy. p.224 -
Anne Frank- Writing a letter to her Dad
Anne Frank wrote a letter to her dad in wich she said what she had told Kitty the day before. When her father finished reading it, he was sad for the rest of the evening. p.225 -
Ghandi is out of Prison
In India, Ghandi is released from prison. He had been in prison for two years becasue he and his supporters didn't want India to be involved in the second World War. He was released because he was sick and had a poor health state. -
Multiple attempts to sink German Battleship
The British make try six times to lead a raid over a German battleship called Tirpitz. Their attempts to sink this boat weren't successful because of the bad weather conditions. This was part of the deception plans for D-Day, the Normandy attack. Operation Fortitude ( being its code name ) was the name given to the millitary deception, which is to trick the enemie during war by psychological destabilization, making them losing confidence and therefore it will be easier to attack them. -
Us army conducts huge raid over Berlin
The US 8 Air Force leads a huge raid over the city of Berlin, in Germany. There was approximativly 1500 aircrafts who attacked the city with their bombs. -
Anne Frank- A Serious talk with her Dad
Anne Frank had a serious talk with her Daddy about the letter she wrote him. There was a lot of cries and her father reprimanded her forfeeling for responsibility of her loving parents who were always there for her. p.226 -
Normandy attack day (D-Day) is chosen
In London,the general Dwight D. Eisenhower selected June 5, 1944 as the D-Day, or Operation Overlord, the day to attack Normandy. However, his proposal wasn't chosen because the weather predicted for June 4 wasn't suitable for the landing (low clouds, strong winds and huge waves). The D-Day was then delayed to June 6, when the weather was better for landing the aircrafts. -
Proposal for Jewish Release
Eichmann proposes to release and let go Hungrian Jews in exchange of 10 000 trucks carrying 2 million crates filled with goods like soap. His offer is transmitted to a supirior and to a Jewish rescue group by Joel Brand, but it is rejected. -
Sevastpool under Soviet control
Sevastpool in Crimea is under Soviet control. This will lead to the Soviets later taking power over the whole Crimea and evacuating the other troops and forces already settled there. -
Raids over France for D-Day
Air forces allied with Germany conduct raids over large-scaled territories. They target airbases in France. This is a part of the preparation for the D-Day, the Normandy invasion. -
Anne Frank- Announcement form the Queen
The Queen of Holland, named Wilhemina, gave a speech to the citizens. She said she was going to take a break and go on holidays to be strong for her return to her country, Holland. Other people also talked after the Queen. The Announement ended with a clergyman who told a prayer for God to take care of the Jews, people in concentration camps, prisons, ect. p.231 -
Anne Frank- Daddy's Birthday
It was Anne Frank's Daddy's birthday.He received a lot of presents, such as different books, food they usually don't have access to in the Secret Annexe ( eggs, beer, yoghourt, syrup, many fancy pastries ), a tie, and flowers. It was also Anne's parent's anniversary. They had been married for 19 years. p.233 -
Soviet takes control over Crimea
Soviet takes all of the power and control over the whole Crimea. A lot of people are captured and killed (see stats below). Many other Germans, Romanians and other troops were evacuated earlier -either by boat or plane-, but most of them were severly injured. Stats
Captured or Killed: 78 000
Evacuated by Boat: 130 000
Evacuated by Plane: 21 500 -
French Destroyer Boat Sinks
The French destroyer named La Combattante was attacked by a German boat and sank with its whole crew, leaving not a single survivor. It sank near Britain's coast, not far fom the Ilse Wight. -
Attempt to assasinate Hitler
Three men,Gen Rommel, Speidel & von Stulpnagel, try to assasinate Hitler. They failled, and Adolph Hitler died one year later, the 30 of April 1945.