the secret Annex
Anne and her family goes in to hiding in the secret annex the annex is small and their are the vann danns their -
Anne and her family celebrate Hanukkah in the secret annex -
peter falls
peter gets up on a chair to turn of the light but slips and falls and the lamp comes crashing down there is a sound of foot steps coming below them it is a thief -
the frank family get found
there is knocking at the door of the secret annex Mr. Frank knows who it is and he knows what is going on he tells every body to get there stuff as the banging is still going on at door they finally break down the door and know the frank family and the other people that lived in the secret annex are caught -
Mr. Frank goes back
Mr Frank goes back to the annex to see all the things that were left behind including Anne's gift that she gave him and Anne's diary he looks over it and his emotions are very sad inside