Anne Franks birth
She was born in 1929 June 14, In between the end of WW1 and the start of WW2 -
Start of the diary
She started her diary june 14 1942 on her 13th birthday ,she got the diary for one of her gifts, she started it a month before they went into hiding -
When and how long she was in hiding
She went into hiding july 5 1942 and was in hiding until november 1944 but there is no exact date on when they got caught -
She became in love with a boy she was hiding with
Anne Frank was hiding with another family during the time and there kid was a boy named Peter who fell in live with Anne frank first but then Anne frank fell madly in love with him a few weeks after he did and they spent their days cuddling and kissing in the attic -
The day she went into to camp
Anne frank, her family, and peters family got caught in the annex ( the place the were hiding) was in Early november 1944, it says that they got caught because the police found the address that was spreading around and they didn't think to find them hiding there -
The last thing she wrote in her diary and the end
The last time that she wrote in her diary was tuesday August 1 1944 less then a year when she dies, no one knows why she stopped writing in the diary, but they think she wrote more but its lost -
Anne frank and her sister also mother got separated from her dad
When they got to the camp they women and man had to seperate so they could do different things, so the men went off for hard work to build so for anne and her family that meant for her dad to leave, Anne and her dad were super close and she only wanted to be with her dad, and with that Peter also had to leave, so she didn't have her dad or boyfriend with her anymore -
They day Anne frank died
Anne frank sadly died at the age 15 from Typhus fever, he sister died a month before her, some of the people that survived the camp that knew her said that she looked very sick, plae, and looked like she hasn't eaten in a very long time and hasn't slept either -
People that survived the war from her family
Anne frank died before the end of the war so did her sister, The war ended September 2 1945 sadly only her father survived the war and found out in summer of 1945 that his wife and kids were dead. -
when did her diary become a known thing
After the war has ended Otto Frank ( Anne Franks father) went back to the annex to go get their things and when he went back he found Anne's diary and he decide to make it into a book and let the world see what in her worldview was about the war was to her. And now everyone knows Anne franks story