Anne Frank

  • Anne Frank is born

    On June 12, 1929 Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Hitler in Power

    Hitler in Power
    Adolf Hitler took leadership in Germany.
  • Part of the Frank Family Moves

    Margot and Edith Frank move to the Netherlands.
  • The rest of the family moves

    Otto and Anne Frank moved to the Netherlands to reunite with the family.
  • Family member arrested

    Anne Franks uncle was arrested for being Jewish.
  • First Invasion

    In March, Germany invaded Czechoslovakia.
  • More invasions

    In september, Hitler invaded Poland. England and France declared war marking the start of World War 2.
  • United States enter war

    In December of 1939 the United States army entered World War 2.
  • Frank's country gets invaded

    On this day the country Anne Frank was living in, the Netherlands, got invaded by German soldiers.
  • No more school for Jewish children

    Nazi's decided Jewish children could not return to schools, making Anne Frank and many other children feel like an outcast.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On this day, the attacks of Pearl Harbor took place in the United States.
  • Threatening letter from Germany

    In July of 1942, the Frank family received a letter from Germany stating that Margot was ordered to go to a German camp.
  • The annex

    The annex
    After receiving the letter the Frank Family decided to go into hiding in late 1942. They moved the family into a secret annex along with a few other people.
  • Anne's 13th Birthday

    Anne's 13th Birthday
    Anne Frank turned 13 years old. She was given a diary and made her first entry in it.
  • Limited supplies

    Early into living in the Annex, the Frank family became limited in the supplies they needed to live. Food became scarce for the family. This took place in the spring of 1943.
  • Turning 15 and turning of the war

    In June of 1944 Anne frank turned 15 years old. The war was coming close to an end, and the Franks had lived in the annex for almost 2 years.
  • Diary entry

    On this date, Anne Frank wrote in her diary about how the war was ending, and how her and her family would get to soon live a normal life.
  • Secret annex found

    On this date, Nazi soldiers stormed the secret annex. The Frank Family got separated (except for Anne and Margot) and taken to concentration camps.
  • The death of Anne Frank

    In March of 1945, Anne and Margot Frank died from Typhus in the concentration camp.
  • Conentration camps freed

    In April of 1945 the concentration camps were set free by British soldiers.
  • Otto Frank survives

    Otto Frank survives
    Otto Frank survived the war, and returned to Amsterdam.
  • Hitlers death

    In 1945 right before the end of the war, Hitler killed himself inside of a secret bunker.
  • Anne Franks diary

    In the summer of 1947 Anne Franks dreams came true and her diary was published and released to the world.