Anne Frank

  • The secret annexe

    The secret annexe
    Anne goes into hiding with her family in the secrete annexe
  • Mr.Dussel

    Mr.kraler asks the franks if Dussel can stay at the secret annexe they gladly accepted.
  • Mr.Dussel

    Mr.Kraler asks the Franks if Dussel can stay with them which they gladly said yes.
  • Hannakah

    the franks,Dussel,and Van Daan's celebrate Hanukkah
  • great news from Miep

    great news from Miep
    Miep tells everybody that the invasion had began.
  • The Franks,Dussel,And Van Daan are found

    The Franks,Dussel,And Van Daan are found
    The Germans found them hiding in the secret annexe.