Anne Frank

  • German's blockade runner sank

    The German blockade runner "Alsturefer" has sunk because they have been attacked by an allied aircraft, in the Bay of Biscay, in the Atlantic.
  • Christmas gifts for the forst time

    Anne explains that on Friday December 24th, for the first time in her life, she received a Christmas gift. They made a Christmas dinner with cake, cookies, yoghourt and beer.
  • Period: to

    Anne Frank

  • Germans were attacked

    In the Atlantic, 11 German destroyers and torpedo intended to escort the blockade runner "Alsturfer", who sank the previous day, were attacked by two British cruisers, Enterprise and Glasgow. Three of the eleven ships sunk and the others broke off the engagement.
  • Thinking about Granny and Lies

    Anne explaisn that the day before, she was thinking about Granny and Lies. About how much Granny had suffered and if Lies is still alive.She hopes they will bring her back to them.
  • Japanese and Kazatin, captured

    On that day, two forces were captured by two different countries. In the Bismarck Archipelago, the Japanese airfield has been captured by the US marine division at Cape Gloucester. And Soviet forces captured Kazatin, in the advance west of Kiev.
  • Fighting

    West of the Nevel and south of Vitebak, there is fighting and the road to Orscha is cut.
    In Italy, the US 5th Army and the British 8th army continue their offensive operation without significant success.
  • American aircraft attack

    In the Bismarck of Archipelago, an American aircraft attacked a Japanese escort in New Ireland. The planes that were attacked came from the carrier task group guided by Admiral Sherman.
  • Anne looks back at her journal

    Anne looks back at was she has written in her jounral and sees that she wrote that she hatted her mother. She doesn't understand why this Anne, from a year ago, wrote this, and does a big reflection on it.
  • Airfield and harbor secured by US Task Force 38

    In the Guinea, US Task Force 38 lands 2400 troops at Saidor. By consequence, the airfield and the harbor are both secured. An Allied cruiser and destroyer force helps them land by providing cover.
  • RAF loses 27 Lacaster bombers

    During the air raid in Berlin, the RAF loses 27 Lacaster bombers out of 383 aircraft committed, and 168 crew members. This damage is unimportant to the German capital.
  • The first mission of Operation Carpetbagger

    Operation Carpetbagger's first mission is flown from Tempsford, England, during that night. Regular airborn supply begin droping to various resistance groups in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Italy, by Allied air forces.
  • Two confessions

    Anne confessed two things that day. The first thing is about her mother. She told her daughters that she saw them more like friends than daughters. Anne says that a friend can't take a mother's place.
    The second thing is that Anne thinks that what is happening to her is wonderful: her body is changing both, inside and outside.Plus, she now has a period.
  • Soviet 2nd Ukranian Front launches an attack

    On the Eastern Front, the Soviet 2nd Ukranian Front launches an attack directed toward Kirovograd in thick fog. The attack fell over-extended forces of the German 8th Army.
  • A new commander assigned in a volunteer unit

    A new commander has been assigned in a volunteer unit. He is called Brigardier General Merrill. The unit is known as "Merrill's Marauders".
  • Anne and Peter

    Anne explains that the day before, she visited Peter in his room and they did crossword puzzles together and Anne tslked about blushing. That night, she had a dream where she was looking at a book of drawings with Peter and he said to Anne that he loved her.