Anne Frank

  • Annelies Marie Frank was Born

    Annelies Marie Frank was Born
    Annelies Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany. Her parents are Edith and Otto Frank, and her sister is Margot Frank
  • World War II began

    World War II began
    World War II started in Poland. Nazi troops invaded, captured, and killed.
  • The Frank Family goes into hiding

    The Frank Family goes into hiding
    Nazi troops are capturing Germans and Jews by the thousands. Otto Frank decides to hide his family in the "Secret Annex".
  • The Frank Family returns home

    The Frank Family returns home
    They are released and can go home to live a somewhat happy life again.
  • Anne Frank Receives Her Diary

    Anne Frank Receives Her Diary
    Anne turns 13 and receives a red checkered diary as a birthday gift. She begins to write everyday about her thoughts and feelings (especially during the war).
  • The Frank Family Goes Back Into Hiding

    The Frank Family Goes Back Into Hiding
    Otto Frank finds out that his family is in danger. Once again, him and his family go back to the "Secret Annex".
  • The Frank Family is Captured

    The Frank Family is Captured
    The Franks are found by Nazi troops and are then put into different concentration camps. But, Margot and Anne are put together in one camp.
  • Anne Frank Dies

    Anne Frank Dies
    Anne Frank, along with her sister are put to death. They both died with a disease called typhus.
  • World War II Ends

    World War II Ends
    Adolf Hitler commited suicide. About a week later German troops surrender.
  • The Diary of Anne Frank was Published

    The Diary of Anne Frank was Published
    Otto Frank was given Anne's Diary after the War is over. He was the only one out of his family to survive.